Battery Tender Unnecessary

Surprise! We haven’t just been making cars deformable to absorb energy for the fun of it. The energy generated when coming to a sudden stop has to go somewhere and if it isn’t the car, the people inside are the sponges for that energy. Hit a solid object with a solid hammer as hard as you can and see how your hand

Okay, so those were the fastest charging EVs that Car and Driver has ever tested, and surely faster EVs will be built in the future

More importantly...who “owns” your battery? Do you come back to the station to swap back for the pack your car came with or incur a fee? When you go to sell, do you have to find out and disclose when your pack was made/refurbished/repaired/etc.? Do they inspect every pack that comes back for damage or might you be

With the coming EVs, it will be completely divorced. They have an opportunity with the transition to electric to undo the mild, medium, and spicy (43, 53, 63) AMG nomenclature. But marketing won’t let them. It’d be dumb but they could make the “3" of those an indication of the number of motors and the first digit(s) be

I say this as an owner of the current-gen E63 wagon, if you’re not doing at least a V8 hybrid, just go EV. Make a 800-1000hp tri-motor Taycan competing EV E63. The new C63 is pitiable. The E-class deserves better than a creeping death towards the inevitable.

Yeah, I mean, that AR stock on a MP5 is chaos.

will you finally shut up then, or move the goal posts some more?

Tesla branded fork lift incoming.

“Why would a cyclist focus on leg strength to the point they need 10-speeds?”

These articles drive clicks and they’re as desperate to stay relevant as she is.

Did I read that 4 of the dealers on that letter are Polestar?...

As soon as you have to explain anything beyond “plug go in car, plug charge car, plug done in ____ minutes” you’ve lost the average person. Legacy hardware and bare minimum effort by Electrify America are obviously effecting the opinion of the early adopters and making a positive referral less likely for some. I’m

At the end of W213 E63 production they were actually selling more wagons than sedans. I’ve got a 2018 wagon with 40k miles. This is a shame because the Taycan GTS and Panamera Sport Turismos are the only Porsches I’d even consider buying at this point. I like the 911 but it’s a car for when the kids go to college.

The 30 day rule is primarily for repainted panels.  Factory paint is usually baked and cured by the time they start assembling the rest of it.  The added benefit is that you didn’t have to expose it to transport, a dealer lot, driving it while waiting for a PPF appointment to open up, etc.

FWIW, Land Rover offers factory applied matte films for the Defender. I think it was $4k and was perfect. My PPF guy was VERY impressed with the result.  In theory the cost for factory work should be less expensive considering how efficient and consistent they can be working on a single model in most cases.

These look like Chargepoint’s DC charging hardware, which I have nothing but good things to say about, compared to EA.  Chargepoint’s hardware is great, but maintenance isn’t the greatest since they sell it as a service and a good number of site owners don’t like to pony up for the fees (I’m looking at you WDW).  I

If you’re coming out with a live-service game at this point you’re basically showing up for the California Gold Rush in 1855. You just sold everything you had and moved across the country for nothing.

Just a heads up that even if you played the campaign last week and had everything installed up to that point, there’s a 125+GB “update” before you can play the new modes on PC.  Fun.

I love DMZ but it is WAY too full of people whose only goal is to just ruin mine and other’s time with it. The number of times I get paired with a two people that are obviously on their own chat and make a beeline for other teams outweighs the times my team wants to complete objectives 5-to-1.

They should add one count of white t-shirt with loafers for a supercar promo photo.