Battery Tender Unnecessary

Boo-fuckin-hoo.  Adapt or die.

I wonder if they needed a DNA test to identify the remains.

The only way to achieve self-driving cars they way people want them (hop in, set a destination, and go to sleep/relax) will be if every car talks to every other car. A mesh network connecting every car on the road is how you get a car to know half a mile down the road traffic is moving at 20mph, WAY before it has line

It’s a shame they’re shutting down the factory that makes them to turn it into a second factory for trucks when the dedicated first factory hasn’t and won’t reach production capacity of until long after they’ve discontinued the Bolt. Seriously. They’re shutting down production of the Bolt earlier than they need to

$1,250-1,500 per night, per person didn’t help.  Along with the demand of a target demographic that was likely completely met within months of opening.  I could afford the hotel, I like Star Wars...but I don’t want to LIVE Star Wars.

Hell, Porsche just came out with head units for late-90s models that have CarPlay through Porsche Classic. Done right, it’s a way for consumers to be MORE engaged with your product, not less. If it were about “options” then GM would give the “option” to just keep using CarPlay. Completely removing the choice isn’t

If nothing else, this whole debacle has SERVERELY called into question Harvard Law’s “honor program” standards.

The announcement of a special edition when they haven’t been able to deliver all 1200 first editions in 18 months is particularly annoying to those of us with reservations for the “normal” 3X Hummer. Some reservation holders have emails saying that won’t get their trucks until nearly 5 years after making their

Their current 4G hotspot “service” is $25 a month.


*Looks at GM’s EV truck delivery figures for the past nearly 7 months*

All of this.

No way in hell Blanka is only 216lbs

I’d imagine Nintendo will be more big mad at this than the art book leaking.

The entire Vietnam episode.  That was the peak and everything since has been chasing that high.

Yeah...then do THAT first and THEN discontinue CarPlay. It’s not a choice to use your “better” system if there is no choice.

They’ve had a contingency for every possible move Florida could make...for years/decades. Disney Legal games out EVERYTHING and had this gamed out long before Desantis was out of high school. Florida playing “make it up as you go checkers” and Disney is playing 4th dimensional Go.


Yeah, it’s like if the FTC blocked the sale of the original iPhone at the behest of mobile phone makers because no one else had a competing product.