Battery Tender Unnecessary

All that is true. I just can’t with adults that grew old but never up. They weren’t being asked to walk on hot coals, through broken glass, made to load their own luggage, etc. All they had to do was wear a piece of cloth or paper over their mouth and nose for a couple hours while seated beside people from all over

Let’s put this another way. On this flight, at the beginning, when everyone was masked, if they wore them then entire flight, and the person next to you had covid, you only had a 1-2% of getting it. By the end of this flight, if you “chose” to keep your mask on and the person next to you didn’t, your chances of

...masking is most effective when the people that might be sick are the ones wearing them.

Not for any babies or children under the age of two, who are also ineligible for vaccination.

Her husband was a Trump campaign staffer as well.  And she’d never tried a case when appointed.  And the BAR rated her as unqualified....but for some reason she’s got the authority to unilaterally dictate public health policy with more authority than the CDC.

It’s fucked up that they did this midflight, with people that only felt comfortable flying because everyone was going to wear masks and that ended midflight in a space they didn’t have the option of leaving (like a restaurant or store). I was on a flight on Sunday with a child and we wouldn’t have flown without

You have to kind of go out of your way to deviate from the intended experience and acquire this weapon so I don’t see why they’re going out of their way to remove it. Their intended user experience is intact and is how 99% of players will see the game whether or not they cut this fun bug.

To be fair, it would be super easy to accidentally end up blocking the entrance to Lime given how convoluted the entry is: don’t go too far right or you’re entering the valet/lemon area, too far left and you’re on you way to Orange where you’ll have to hoof it to all the prime shops.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that 800,000,000 (more than 3x the population of the US) people didn’t preorder a cyber truck for $100 resulting in $80bil in preorders.

Probably the new AMG GT that is about to be unveiled, camouflaging an SL months after it has been unveiled is unlikely. 

The whole used car market situation blew up my plan to get a heavily depreciated S63 Cabrio for 50-60% of sticker after 2-3 years like you could a couple years back. Without a proper 4-seat convertible purchases like this are now on hold until the kids can drive themselves.  And the market settles.

It’s not psychological. (Chemical engineer, fluid dynamics) It a combo of things but most of the time it’s shitty maintenance/running the clock out on a pump they don’t want to replace/upgrade. Any well designed station system SHOULD be able to run with a customer at every pump, dispensing in a timely manner.

Oh snap.  *Rushes to buy cheap gold cards*

My 36 months of GamePass Ultimate I converted from a plain Xbox Live Gold sub for $1 just finished. I think Microsoft looked the other way with their loophole because you could get that deal for almost a year. Time will tell if Sony is as altruistic. I’m pretty sure I got 3 years of Live for $90 so 3 years of GamePass

As someone that has owned multiple cars from multiple brands with over 550-600hp from the factory...they’re aren’t that hard to drive normally. Leave it in comfort (or even even plain “sport”) and they’re no harder to drive than a Fiesta ST or Focus RS (which I owned concurrently with an R8 V10 Plus). In fact, the

People are apparently DESPERATE to round six to seven years up to a decade.  There was an article about the AMG GT being “almost” a decade old when it didn’t come out here until 2015 as a 2016 model.

It’s firefighters walking away from a fire they only got under control and is still smoldering. We’ve done this 3 times now. As soon as it looks like the coast is clear we immediately remove everything that got us there and hope for the best and it never works out. Half of people that got their vaccine haven’t gotten


All they did was ensure a lot of people will never use their subscription service. The cost of GamePass is less than two full priced first party games a year and you get many more than 2 a year. You can even get access to their PC library and most saves are sync to both platforms so you can play however you want on

Hindsight is always 20/20 but he and Jada should have just walked out. Not being present for your best actor award because Rock made fun of a health issue your wife is publicly sensitive about makes Rock the ass and you took the high ground.