washing the car and I pulled the wipers up to get under them. noticed that they moved more freely than maybe I would have expected so I continued, amused, to move them through their range of motion when....click.
washing the car and I pulled the wipers up to get under them. noticed that they moved more freely than maybe I would have expected so I continued, amused, to move them through their range of motion when....click.
I did it loads of times on my ‘05 - it doesn’t mess anything up (that I know of or could fathom). I’d be curious if it works for an ‘04 as well. What makes me crazy is realizing that I cannot find a single thing on the internet about this.
You gotta get Collins to try it and write about it! (But yeah. WHY!!!??)
I feel hesitant to broadcast what it does (if that isn’t enough of a hint). But I also don’t know if it was just some super random fluke on my car. It’d be awesome to get APCs take on it.
Dude, TL owner - you’ve gotta try something with your car.
If you don’t want to use it, don’t. Last I checked, AutoPilot must be engaged to be used. It doesn’t engage automatically. I doubt anyone is switching on AutoPilot and then grumbling the whole time how they didn’t ask for this feature.
Yeah. When I dug deeper into the whole HB2 back story it all ended up sounding a whole lot worse than what I originally thought. I didn’t realize that HB2 was a reaction by the state to a very progressive step forward by the city - basically the state grabbing their ball and going home...and kicking Charlotte in the…
I think I am too now.
Well, the “reason” this happened, which it’s hard to pin down the spark of the fire, is that the Department of Education issued guidance on the issue of sexual assault for schools who accept federal money. This led a pro-LGBT PAC in Charlotte to propose the addition of new protected classes (transgendered among them)…
Yes, but genotypic traits and phenotypic traits are not the same thing. You’re referring to genotype. I’m referring to phenotype, and I believe the law that was passed is an incredibly discriminatory and extremely ignorant way of addressing the non-issue of phenotypically male trans people using a female restroom.
For starters I’m not necessarily defending anyone’s position, just seeking clarification of what was actually meant by it.
Yeah, I read it as the state being the few since, in short, there were only a few in the NC general assembly that made HB2 happen. Reading it differently he just sounds pissed at the city for inciting the state, and it just devolves from there.
Third edit...I think I’m getting it.
Oooh...never mind.
It’s also worth noting that Larson hunted down the lead from the back after being a lap down. I have serious doubts that Pierce would have been able to hold Larson off through the rest of the race. Larson’s an absolute beast on the dirt.
Except that NASCAR has already come out against HB2: http://myfox8.com/2016/04/22/nas…
If by Southern you mean from waaaaay South, like south of Florida in Cuba, then yes. He is Southern.
Not trying to be funny, but I’m not sure you got this right. He sounds like he’s speaking out against the law.
TL;DR. All you need to know is the phrase “not just on the field but off the field”