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Rod Millen's Pikes Peak Tocoma at Goodwood in 2012. One of the most visual displays of raw power I've ever seen. Just watch as this...this thing (it's most definitely NOT a Tacoma)...appears to want to torque itself to bits and rip out every inch of tarmac from Lord March's driveway.

since they're still in test mode, there's a pretty good chance that the drivers are sandbagging pretty hard. I'm in agreement with many others - not the least of which is Ryan Hunter Reay - that many a track record will fall this season. Just not Fontana.

"That opinion" is in reference generally to all opinions about race car looks, not just your opinion. And the fact that you've been "complaining about ugly racing cars for more than 25 years" is all I really need to know to understand where you're coming from.

[edit - repost]

This seems to be a popular bandwagon to be jumping on these days.

not heat distortion.

same problem here in the south.


Avoid some kind of racial profiling? Something like that, like if the unblurred image of the face isn't sufficiently clear as to show any other thing of value? I'm with you - it seems completely counterintuitive to blur their faces.

"Clearly this was a professional and co-ordinated hit..."

I'm thinking that the braided metalic tubing you see coming off of the shock is something akin to McLaren's hydraulic "sway bar". If so, that's a pretty trick way of incorporating it.

Fear of somehow voiding the warranty. Otherwise, I'd have it every which way until I could figure it all out.

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Not all start with bare metal, or are accompanied by music from a sponge bob nightmare rave. Still some painting involved, though I am not certain exactly why. Would be cool to see a bare metal car with sponsorships laser etched or chemically etched into the metal.

That's a LOT of plastic chairs.

Speaking from experience, I'm sure.

Every time I see SCG003...