I don't think the pickup truck driver intended to do anything, but why was he bothering to continue tangling with the tractor trailer? Obviously the big rig driver is out of his mind. Just pull over and wait 5.
Moral of the story: don't be a dick.
Oh totally, my GF who has had her CC for the last 15 years and always pays the full bill has something like 7 or 8k limit, I'm currently at $19k. Mainly because CC companies hate people like her (and currently me); there's no money to be made if there's no interest payments.
Most weirdest/expensive?
Hope he loses a finger.
I don't see any disagreement here. You have expressed what I was thinking quite admirably. I think advertising teaches us they are the same, which is why one has to be a little bit self aware to see the difference.
Yeah, the rake and trail wigged me out, too.
Yeah, with that much rake and dual rear shocks it looks like function takes a backseat to form here. I'm glad ACBC isn't around to see this.
Your experience gives you an advantage...so hey why not capitalize on it.
I think it's a neck brace from an earlier, less successful test of hands-free driving.
Praise to the Manual Transmission!!!
Why not? They already jack up the price for taking stuff OFF.
So you're okay with rug burns then?