
Key note. When you install the new timing belt, make sure no loose nuts fall down between the casing and the belt without your knowledge / retrieval. I did that once, made it to the gas station before my nice, expensive, kevlar belted timing belt got destroyed...

I still can't believe my other suggestion didn't make it...

Didn't Jerry put in "order #1" for this like 8 years ago when they first started the project?

And Mr. Connery, lets see your answer. And you wrote "V". Well, despite your best efforts, "V" is a roman numeral and therefore, you win. Lets see what you wagered... "Suck it Trebek".

Fiat REALLY needs to stick to small cars.

Just because it's there, dose not make it the best...

Yes Please!

Really! Dammit Miata. Why do you always have answers to all the questions.

God dammit Miata!

Whats the best vehicle for winter conditions?

Miata in reverse.


How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?


Name a capable off-road vehicle.(?)

Kids used to make fun of me say "you cant read good!"

I was just waiting for them to tumble into something. That ute, the Pajaro (I think), the trailer, that tree, the fence....

Imagine coming home to find your yard destroyed by a roo fight...

Dear Mr. Marchionne,

Not in the same manner as what he does with the AWD cars. Having all 4 tires spin and pull really helps to pull off the tight stunts that he does. And anyways, it turns out this Mustang IS AWD...