
Well you are probably right there. I do have a bit of a bull-head-ish attitude as well that has carried me along through many things. It's not that I need help, but that it would be nice to know anyone cared enough to stop. If I were injured or in serious need of help I would have made every attempt to flag someone

Andrew, Any info on the route or where this kicks off. I know BJ Baldwin has been known to take his truck through some of the paths behind my house, hoping this is in that area so I can make my way to one of the local cliff tops and watch from up top.

Well then I guess I will have to attend this!

Headlineception: Starring Jalopnik, Patrick George, Maserai, Patrick George again, Maserati again, Maserati... again, and, for some reason, Audi

Car companies do crap like this all the time, although its usually about the car not the add, but maybe Maserati is more known because of the commercial so it's like "Oh THESE are the guys with that super awesome commercial"

I have a strange feeling Audi won't be using this one from me, though.

The irony that their big cousin (the one in red) hates you is not lost.

Lol, but it will be worse because people will be like "I only lost half a tire"...

Nope. Small percentage is an acceptable failure rate.

Despite how it looks, Goodyear's concept does not put two small tires together on one rim, but builds the double contact patch tire on a single SUV tire structure. It's also using twin air chambers (one at each side) interconnected through a valve system that allows the tire to continue to roll even after a puncture

There is always an exception to the rule, as I am sure there are dogs whom are genuinely disinterested in their owners.

That's probably because it wants milk...

Damn engineers need to work harder...

Because the old way does not work for anything but capitalism.

But as with anything else that is 'new', it has to start high and expensive while relatively unrefined to work out the quirks. Look at any new technology. When blue ray players first came out they were $1000+ and not very reliable. Now you can pick one up at WalMart for $70.

Its not irrational to show affection towards a being who cares for you.

How is turning an old industrial wasteland into a green friendly complex that is self sustaining on energy (even possibly providing energy) not practical?

Dogs. Not even a real question.

It hurts to watch but I keep watching in hopes that maybe the next time he will miraculously pull it off.

I was up in Chicago in early February. Got my dose of cold weather and snow taken care of for the next 5 years...