
Cool things like this never get built. Lack of profitability taking all the fun out of things.

The benefits of living in the desert. Lots of sunshine and cheap-er housing.

Yes the recession was good to me... (sorry everyone else who got screwed).

So what you're saying is I should quit my job to become a rich blogger millionaire???

When I bought my house 2 years ago I paid $57 per sq/ft. The house was built new in 2004 so it wasn't very old. I couldn't imagine justifying $433 per sq/ft

Not saying that you need more house, but saying if you were looking at houses in this price range, you could probably build something of similar size for half the price in most areas (discluding cost of land, as this $ does not include land either)

It gets even more expensive if you live outside of CA too.

$700,000 plus cost of land for a 2,800 sq ft house??? Sure it is nice quality, and those prices might be reflective of normal property prices in CA, but in many areas you can get a lot more house (even built new) for less than half of that.

I used to be very optimistic about everything, always trying to find the best in any situation. Then I met 'adults'. I was living on my own in a new city working a real job with 'adults', when I started noticing just how terrible people are.

I didn't notice how cynical I'd become until I noticed how negative one of my friends was. I realized that we spent the bulk of our time complaining about things, whining about trivial mishaps from the day, or resenting anything new. I couldn't take it anymore and started changing the dynamics of our relationship. The

Mirror all the things!!!

When I was younger and used to hang out at impromptu parking lot car shows, we once had this girl pull up in a Civic trying to be cool. As she pulled up she had her hand on the gear lever (automatic) and pushed it into Neutral to try and rev / show off. As she did so, she also accidentally managed to throw the car

It seems like the no-brainer here would be to have all the Vipers donated to museums (or other places where they can't be driven, ever) with a strict clause relieving FCA of all liabilities, but I'm not the legal expert. We'll keep you posted if anything changes.

So now when can I buy my FWD X4 Grand Coupe M/// ???

Was going to say the same thing. seems like A LOT of stress to place on the engine / transmission mounts.

Needs moar carbon...

Ummm MIG...

And its so noisy too!!!