
Was this a service tech or some jalop, cause it sounds pretty jalop to have the car in the on position and hitting the interior with a hammer.

Encroaching a bit on graverobbers territory a bit this morning, eh Tom?

driving 40k miles just for fun in a papered-over, econo-shitbox conveys a deeply unsettling sense of masochism that indicates an abusive upbringing, like being left in a mid-90s taurus for too many hours or having to sleep in the back of a windstar for a few months. or something. i don’t know. this is really weird,

Can’t wait for the cars and coffee footage. It’ll be a right proper massacre.

Yeah but did you specify in the Craigslist ad NO TIME WASTERS NO TIER KICKERS

it was just a modern statement about how we dont really need dads, or men in general, just as cars dont really need coolant.

Only 264 made, if I remember correctly. It technically does have a color. Whatever color you see on the roof and rear quarter panel is the technical color of the car. Different states title them differently. Some say nothing, some say “COLOR,” I’ve seen a couple just put the “base” color, and some that say “MULTI.” I

To a multi-billionaire like me, NP.

or even seen?

This may be the biggest no interest loan in the history of business...

Waiting for a car for over a year that you’ve never driven or even seen?

Do we really need tax breaks for $100K electric luxury cars? And what is the carbon footprint of the rare earth element mining required for the batteries?

In the case of my Ducati I just disassembled the entire bike, pulled the motor and swingarm and had easy access to everything. Took a bit longer but it was clean and I got to inspect lots of parts.

I agree the skip shift is a awful idea, but why bypass the hill hold, it’s a wonderful invention! your dad said “can” hold on a hill with the clutch, not you should hold a car on a hill with the clutch, doing that is a great way to wreck your clutch early. Driving stick isn’t just about being able to do it smoothly

In the final episode of David Dissects,

If you think about it, it’s not much different than burnouts. No point in those either.

So do they manage to do this without increasing rolling resistance to the cars? If the road deforms more than typical asphalt, they really wouldn’t be capturing lost energy as much as taking energy from people’s cars (which aren’t exactly thermodynamically efficient to begin with)

To one up the US, Russia should drop their “Father of all Bombs” bomb on ISIS next week. I mean, no harm done right, its just ISIS.

David, this whole Jeep storyline is the main reason I keep checking Jalopnik. Keep being awesome.

I’m 6'3", 250lbs. Should I get one?