
If you don't confess to a priest, how else will the Catholic church know all your dirty secrets? Sinner...

@Chernobyl: I was going for sarcasm / sweeping American generalization, but I'm glad to hear that!

17 years later and they still don't understand the Internet... and this move proves it.

@lol: I'm constantly baffled by how inept corporations are when it comes to laughing at themselves and showing people they have some sense of humor.

I think everyone's missing the biggest point: we live in America... what's a book?

@me_eit: Clearly it's a burning issue.

@Mr C: Very good point... I hadn't thought about that. It was just easier to yell "AT&T! Rabble rabble rabble!"

@Cromwell: If I recall correctly, sending texts actually costs the carrier nothing... they stuff them into empty space that's already being transmitted anyway, hence the character limit. It's the biggest ripoff feature in a wireless carrier's arsenal.

@Nitesh: Agreed... I'm certainly doing a disservice by perpetuating the myth that "MILF" means any mom, regardless of looks, and for that I apologize.

@RickyMouse: Are you a boy and were you ever 13?

So did he unlock the "MILF" achievement?

@Stem_Sell: I think you're failing to make the connection...

@IIoWoII: I was thinking the same thing... at the very least it'll be a tie every time if you're playing with someone who's at least remotely intelligent.

@Gordonium has W blue sky lives: I was just thinking the same exact thing... hell I almost fall backward if I simply recline too far in my chair.

An honest...politician?

@wheresmyjetpack: I was referring to it more in the sense of ISPs discriminating against content, not necessarily throttling or tiered plans.

Why must we be so short-sighted in everything we do? Clearly as technology advances, and time moves forward, we will be relying more and more on mobile broadband... to even think about exempting that method of internet access from the same guidelines as "landline" net neutrality completely defeats the purpose of the

@karnie: Childhood obesity is real.

One day kids will be using Google Earth to learn about how the planet used to look...