
@Webran61: They have to know that they're basically banking on people paying for the shiny packaging they'r wrapping around the content... don't they?

@Ryan: Agreed. Believe me, I love the concept... far more engaging than a magazine or a website, but you're dealing with an audience that has been conditioned by the Internet not to pay for content.

I'm definitely interested in seeing if the production costs associated with making these digital magazines can survive people's willingness to pay for this brand of publication...

Coming soon to a Sharper Image near you...

Man, if I had this back when I was playing Unreal Tournament and Quake III... wait... do the kids still play those games?

@hostile-17: I once Facebook stalked my ex, while drinking a Four Loko, walking through airport security. I've already contacted my local news station for the trend piece.

@Destronok: See: the American people.

@Stem_Sell: We're always playing ketchup with these terrorists.

@rototrack: Incredible... and can someone point me to the "national debate" this receipt has sparked? Needless to say, the local news amuses me.

I can't figure out which bothers me more... that it took 2 people to put fuck you on a receipt, or that this was a 2 minute and 30 second story on the evening news.

So when can we expect your testimony before congress regarding this caffeinated menace?

@Fossa: I for one am shocked at our government's knee jerk reaction to this... it's so uncharacteristic.

@MrCheatachu: Media outrage occurs in cycles... sexting = out... Four Loko = in.

This is pretty cool, but where do I insert my $2 to preempt my roomate's 2-hour block of Lynyrd Skynyrd?

@Peppermint: I was partially with you, but this is where you lost me. This is an infringement of civil liberties, not a debate about whether or not to wear a fur coat or eat meat.

@Peppermint: Oh yes, fuck those assholes and their form of potentially effective civil disobedience... how dare they.

Longwood Gardens is an incredible place... I try to get there at least once a season for their incredible displays...

I remember making a nice little afternoon of reinstalling Windows 95 to my PC, waiting patiently to insert the next 12 disks... now I'm annoyed if it takes longer than 3 minutes to install anything.