Capt. Muffin

I can't stand how the Pixies followed up a career of amazing cover art all done by a singular core creative team and then just slapped a bland circus-font logo on the cover of Indie Cindy. It's like they were warning you it was gonna suck.

Well, since he only really started making iconic movies after scoring big in Hollywood with American Grafitti I'd say Lucas was changed more by age and the toy store then by Hollywood. I mean, THX-1138 (the feature) is fascinating but it's not Star Wars or Indy.

That's totally it-there's a great interview he did with Howard Stern a few months back where he said he turned down the Fox gig not only because of his loyalty, but also because of his writerly instinct to leave behind a unified "canon" of work, which he felt would be tainted by intentionally cutting himself off from

It's more of a viral internet pull at this point-yeah, Fallon gets mediocre TV numbers, but last I checked he was pulling around 100 million views across his various impressions of old and decrepit rock stars from the 70's.

That's actually Mazinger Z, either way it's pretty clearly not Nacho's robot.

Fuck that, when are the dudes who made Mazinger Z gonna sue? That's clearly their robot son.

The first mistake was thinking there was reasonable discussion to be had on Gawker. I've only suffered pain and misfortune at the hands of their commentators. Often in .gif form.

I'm thinking that song was the first meme I was ever exposed to as a child.

Without LazyTown the world would be deprived of a mashup about Lil Jon telling a 14 year old girl how to properly take care of her man though, and that's not a world I want to live in.…

My school didn't have a story like that, but we did re-write "Joy to the World"'s lyrics to be about decapitating and roasting Barney's head. It truly is the patient zero for millennial hate watch.

Hey man, They Might Be Giants wrote the music for it so it can't be ALL bad.

Only Greedo Forgives

Whedon's been incredibly preachy lately, I hope it's just down to his massive workload but ugh, I've lost a lot of respect for the guy the past few months.

At least Evans seemed pretty beat up about it in his apology. Renner meanwhile had an apology along the lines of "Well, I guess I'm sorry that SOME PEOPLE can't take a joke!"

It wasn't the money so much as the strain of doing the Joker voice on a regular basis was shredding his vocal chords. He said the only thing he'd be willing to come back for would be an adaptation of The Killing Joke, but otherwise he's moved on creatively.

I dunno, MTV® Collision Course® Presents: Linkin Park/Jay-Z turned out to be the biggest-selling EP of all time, so compared to that courting only 770,000 people into a $20/month subscription package is a massive failure.

His appearance on Extras was hysterical, so I second the demand for more Bowie Comedie.

I dunno, I honestly thought it was better than the "bullies at school called me that and it made me feel bad so now villains will know my childhood pain" reasoning given in Miller's origin story, which felt like an awkwardly placed repeat of the Batman name origin he wrote.

Just to give you the rundown of what Miller's influence on the show: Stick, Karen's dark past, the Asian martial arts and mythological references, the noir tone, Wilson "Kingpin" Fisk, and Daredevil's prototype black costume are all exports from Miller's run. Not to mention Matt's Greek girlfriend from college,