Capt. Muffin

Seems more like the relationship is set up as a student/master deal, which I would vastly prefer to a romantic one.

Aku isn't keeping him from aging-Aku himself says he blew up the time portals because he thought it'd be crueler to let Jack slowly wither away into old age and die, and was pissed because he just "got a stupid beard."

Christ dude I don't like Trainor either but there's a line between "critiquing empty gestures towards feminism via bad pop music" and "jacking off about how intellectual and #deep you are for seeing yourself above this plebian trash" and you pole vaulted over it.


Did you get all the memories? Because it kinda puts a melancholic spin on the ending…

The literal only thing I remember from 30 Minutes or Less was a really bad Social Network joke Jesse Eisenberg makes (something like "I don't use Facebook man, gotta stay off the grid!") Which made everyone in the theater howl while I just sat there, confused and slightly angry.

I'm guessing from an interview she did on Colbert that it's "murderous". The scene they trotted out was a (dire) attempt by Hendricks to convince Ice Cube to stab Charlie Day in the face.

I'd argue the 90's started in 1991 when Ten and Nevermind blew the Grunge scene wide open.

1. There's a great essay in the "Who can I be now?" Bowie boxset from his producer Tony Visconti about how people in the 70's didn't think Coke was actually addictive-that it was more like a powerful form of coffee that woke you up and kept you focused, and if you had some fun? That was just a bonus.

Reminds me somewhat of Pissed Jeans' video for "Romanticise Me". Although Pissed Jeans manages to make it more badass by having classical style ice skating to hardcore punk instead of whatever….this is.…

Boomerang is a depository for all the cancelled shows from Cartoon Network's heyday, so you can watch stuff like Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack, et al on it.

I think the other redeeming thing about Steve is that it's heavily implied he's the one who bought Jonathan the new camera-not only is he repaying Jon for both killing a hellbeast/apologizing about breaking his stuff, but he's also lost enough ego that he knows it'd probably mean more coming from Nancy than him. I

Lots of the dance tracks off 1999 like DSMR and Let's Pretend We're Married sound like larval forms of Daft Punk and LCD Soundsystem songs, who both influenced modern electronic music.

Well you could also say Prince (rock, funk, hip-hop, R&B, and EDM all owe him one)

Well, look at it this way-the sharp, jagged edges of all the non-PPG characters in the original run really drove home just how different the Girls were, with their curved lines and squishy-looking shapes. You could always pick out the girls (or one of their villains) from a crowd because they looked fundamentally

All the characters besides the girls look like Clarence rejects. Compared to the sharp, art deco-derived designs of the original show it just looks super generic.

I actually really love how Lens Flares looked in the 2009 Star Trek, they gave everything an incredibly shiny look. Sue me.

Any guitarist who can claim to have influenced Dimebag Darrel, Rivers Cuomo, and Kurt Cobain to pick up the axe deserves a medal.

Rip is Out is a certified proto-hair metal banger and is every bit as great as New York Groove.

I've argued that their run from their self titled to Love Gun is as solid as any of the 70's glam staples, and had they broken up after Alive II they'd be remembered as the only group to give Alice Cooper's stage show a run for its money instead of…well, you know.