Capt. Muffin

The truth hurts but it will set you free.

Let's not get too crazy now, at least punk can still get you laid somewhere. I don't think I've ever heard of someone mulling about the sexiness and allure of Close to the Edge.

According to my big fancy Making of Star Wars hardback, both Madalorians AND midichlorians were both terms that Lucas considered canon way back in 1977. Mandalorians were sort of this vague enemy the Jedi fought in a war hundreds of years before ANH, and Midichlorians were sort of a half-formed scientific

Lucas actually allowed the first Old Republic-set stories to happen because they were so far in the past that they couldn't effect what would happen in the prequels. I believe he actually amended his past rule to "no Star Wars stories set within 100 years before A New Hope" back in the late 90's.

Jakku is different enough from Tatooine that I'm OK with it. If Tatooine is Boise, Jakku is a gigantic junkyard filled with remnants of the glory days, like Detroit.

Zelda tradition has stated that entering dungeons is the first true step towards saving the world, so I think it'd break flow to get the tunic after completing a dungeon/fighting a boss.

The 3D games seem to hint that red and blue are signals of diplomacy to non-Hylian races, with the Gorons giving you the red tunic/getting the magic armor for helping a small business to the Zoras bestowing you the blue tunics for helping them out as a way of letting you assimilate into their culture. They're signs

To be fair, I know lots of people who don't know Snake's look outside his MGS1/2 sneaking suits, so it could be the casual kiddies thought you were just some COD dude. That and, you know, little kid, big dreams, etc etc.

I'm thinking Link will be a marauder or some sort of wandering warrior of sorts, and getting the tunic will signal him finally taking responsibility for saving the realm or what-not. If the world is as big as they say it is (around 5 times that of Twilight Princess, so roughly about as big as Skyrim) I'd peg him

It's a fantastic record, but you have to admit that coming out after a triple threat of some of the greatest records of all time with Hunky-Ziggy-Aladdin that being simply "fucking great" can be perceived as a let down.

I'm talking more the beat itself. The lyrics are rather grim, but musically it's a huge departure from Scary Monsters.

Thankfully Scary Monsters is his first 80's record. Makes all the 80's-centric comps kinda weird, going from the apocalypse funk of "Fashion" to the genuinely uplifting "Modern Love".

Oh man, I do love me some 70's-era KISS, in all their weird, comic book schlock glory. The Scooby Doo movie is actually pretty funny, it kinda functions like a batshit parody of this movie, the KISS franchise machine, and, oddly enough, Sailor Moon. Definitely worth checking out once the DVD hits the bargain bin.

I'd joke that must make him better than Gene then, but according to the Melvins KISS bass lines are notorious for being deceptive in their simplicity.

According to Paul Stanley, Peter Criss chose the cat because he escaped shit in Brooklyn growing up that should have killed him on a regular basis, so apparently he got a reputation as having more lives than a cat. However, he did follow this up by saying Peter was a lazy simpleton who was dumber than a bag of

What about you, Nathan? What's it going to be? Loyalty to your jokes, or loyalty to me? Your poop jokes, or a sweet old lady? The interview, or your beliefs? Your duty to your show, or your personal feelings? You don't know the truth yet. But sooner or later you'll have to choose.

Can we at least all agree that A Pup Named Scooby Doo is trash? Everyone my age has deep nostalgia for it but I never found it as compelling as the direct to VHS movies or as goofy as the classic series or the New Scooby Doo Movies.

I was always confused that they took a movie that was effectively a Twilight Zonian take on Adderall, complete with karmic consequences (although they chickened out in the last 5 minutes) and decided "you know what this would be good for? A cop show!"

Volgin is a terrifying psychopath who's implied to rape Russian-Raiden on a regular basis and is seen squealing with delight when Big Boss pisses his pants after hours of intense torture. I think they went a little far with him but I don't see it as out of character.

It lacks Portable Ops though, which explains where FOXHOUND and Col. Cambell came from. Not that those are super important details but it does bug me that they didn't try to include it.