Capt. Muffin

I think I'm just fine with her little throwaway line about "turning to the hard stuff" as a reference to her shitty comic life.

All I remember from Matrix Online was that they killed off pretty much every film cast member who was alive by the end of the trilogy and had silly plot devices like cheat codes that affect humans plugged into the Matrix.

I don't know what it says about me that my favorite thing ever posted on the internet is someone on 4chan trying to recreate that scene through text, getting derailed by a stoner, and then lashing out at him in character as Kermit.

Big rumor with Wright is that he wanted Ant Man to be completely standalone from the MCU and Marvel wanted Ant Man to be ready for an Avengers appearance, which led to the constant delays and finally Wright just called it quits.

I only read the first issue of Leia but I thought it was kind of meh. Vader started off strong, and Star Wars is overall nice. I haven't been keeping up with them though, so they might have changed.

The melody that closes out the album (can't remember what it's called-the last part is Eliminator Jr) is fantastic. I'd say it's needed.

Sure, but I'd say 3/4 sides of the album are still incredibly solid.

While I'll agree to disagree on that one, there's still so many exceptions to the rule that it makes for a better general guideline than anything else: think of albums like London Calling, Zen Arcade, or even the freakin' White Album, or albums that have a specific length for thematic purposes, such as each of Death

"Look, Roger, I get it: you want to tell a story, but wouldn't The Wall be better served if you cut out half the songs?"

I have no idea why but from what I've read every single member of Kiss hates Patti Smith to an almost unhealthy degree. She was also mentioned by Paul Stanley as a shitty artist when he was asked about the RnRHoF: "Why'd they let Patti Smith in? She only had one good song and it was written by Bruce Springsteen."

You know, for all the awful things I hear about LA, I'd still move there 10,000 years before New York or Chicago, mainly because of the allure of never having to see snow ever again.

What's wrong with Council Tucky USA, home of the fightin' methheads? They got on Bar Rescue that one time!

On one hand, it's awesome to see that they were so helpful to the kids on the show, letting them re-arrange the store, asking what they wanted, etc. On the other hand, it makes complete sense-Who wants to see a kid with five minutes on the clock only make it out with $300 in video games because he dropped some on the

My first introduction to JCS was in a children's novel in 4th grade where one of the plotlines involved the main character's closest female friend trying to convince her deaf and incredibly devout mother to go see the local production, but her mother would have none of it since it made Jesus look like a clown. It

I recall two times I went solely for the opener-the first time was last year, when Between the Buried and Me, a metal band I only kinda sorta like, was bringing along Deafheaven, who had just dropped Sunbather about two months prior and managed to do the impossible and make a shoegaze (Blackgaze, whatever) album that

Coming here from the future to let you know they were indeed named after She-Ra's castle. Specifically the line "The fate of the world is safe in Crystal Castles."

Coming here from the future to let you know they were indeed named after She-Ra's castle. Specifically the line "The fate of the world is safe in Crystal Castles."

I'm not sure, Gamergate sucks but if I read that fucking comment one more time I'm going to explode in a shower of smug confetti.

Ah, wait, sorry, the answer to "overused joke in every video game article" was "What is ethics in video gaming journalism." Very close though, I can see where you were going with it.

It was still a reaction though-Brian Wilson said he was inspired to write it after hearing Rubber Soul for the first time.