Capt. Muffin

VV defenders can kiss my Ankh.

The Doors were huge in the late 60's, plus you're missing Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, let alone the fact that The Beach Boys' hey day was in the middle of Beatlemania, since Pet Sounds was a reaction to The Beatles' early studio experimentation.

It's not on an actual live album, but the live version of i from To Pimp A Butterfly is the rare live rap track that's better than the studio cut.

I think he meant to say first popular hard rock/metal band, an American answer to Zeppelin and Sabbath.

I see the rape scene in HM2 in the same light as the "No Russian" mission in Call of Duty-a narratively needless scene that was only included to drum up controversy and free press, hence them sharing the "skip" button. While the actions of "No Russian" could have been explained in either a cutscene or a mission

Plus it's also the only "classic" Final Fantasy to get a sequel-the only other games to get a direct follow up are X and XIII, and while X-2 is good it's so different in tone and gameplay from the first I feel more comfortable calling it a spin-off.

My favourite story about Harvey Birdman is how it was even picked up in the first place: the show runner got drunk at a party for Adult Swim's launch and made up the theme song on the fly as a joke, and Mike Lazzo loved it so much that he immediately green-lit a full season.

As much as I love Rocky Horror, I think The Room makes for a better communal viewing as a result of it having a far looser approach to audience interaction, as opposed to the almost stifling shout-along script for RHPS. I remember one time my friend cracked a joke that wasn't "canon" and got shouted down for it by a

You know, when it first came out that's what I thought, but looking back, I don't mind it; if nothing else it provides a precedent for why Vader trusts him with finding Han in Empire, since he's seen what the man's capable of.

I live in Omaha, and I would take any excuse in the book to leave.

Honestly, I felt like that was one of the better elements of the prequel trilogy: if any of the main characters other than Sheev had a major role in starting the Clone Wars it would have pretty much made the prequels Sci-Fi Forest Gump. Making Anakin and Obi-Wan war heroes is fine, making Anakin or C-3PO start the

Hey now, to be perfectly fair to The Rewrite, it's a serviceable feel-good movie that's a safe bet to watch with your Mom. I mean, I saw it a week ago and I completely what happens in it, but I remember that I wasn't offended by its terribleness.

You know, the key to making this sort of subversive dark side of puppetry comedy work, as shown in the infinitely better Don't Touch Me I'm Scared, is that you have to establish a setting of innocence and fun before slowly ramping it up into a nightmarish world of pain and suffering. You can't just have 30 seconds of

God, it really is sad that the Pixies never made any songs after 1991. Did you know, there was even a rumor that they wrote a song for Shrek 2 as their big come-back attempt? Man, wouldn't that be something? I'm so sad it never came to be.

"Yeah, Whiplash and Birdman are the better movies by a country mile, but did they take 12 years to make!?!?!?"
-Bob FilmCritic, 2015

Saint Pepsi (I think he's actually called something else now, last I heard Pepsi brought the hammer down) is good, but he took an underground genre (vaporwave), prettied it up with House beats, and sold it at a profit. That's about as far from punk as you can get before you turn into Billy Armstrong.

Y'all passed up a golden pick for Z in excluding Zeta Gundam: it not only did the deconstructive mech anime 10 years before NGE, but it did it as a follow up to the show that popularized mechs in the first place.

Despite being an anime fan for years, I had never actually sat down to read any of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure books, mainly because it's over 100 trades long and Viz has only translated 16 of them into English. However, with the release of the anime adaptation last year, I finally found a decent translation of the

Two Thrones is slightly better-it's an attempt to reconcile the edgyness of Warrior Within's tone with The Sands of Time with the superior combat system, it works out OK.

*tilts table*