Capt. Muffin

Yeah, fuck post-drug art! Plastic Ono Band, Low, and Lust for Life can all eat my ass!

Jenny DeathStar when?

One of the absolute best concerts I ever went to was with one of my closest dude friends and my girlfriend to see them on tour for Heaven Is Whenever, which, while arguably their worst record, thankfully didn't dominate the set. The highlight was the encore-a melody of "Massive Nights," with a lyric change that made

They announced that it was coming at the same time as Cars 3, so I think 2016?

The actual EU explanation is that the stormtrooper blasters have the accuracy of an AK-47 shot by a blind man on 4 cans of Red Bull.

If you think Kiss…If YOU think KISS is the worst band in the world…then brother…I don't think you've reached…ROCK BOTTOM!!

By saying you hate Kiss but like Oasis, you have officially pushed all my buttons. You could even say something truly, horribly dumb like "Climate Change isn't real" or "You know, maybe Community Season 4 had some merit" and you still couldn't get me more riled up then I am now.

As awful as it would be, I guess SOMETHING had to go to fit the show time-Chicago's music history is just too big for a 1 hour documentary.

Once again you reminded me that Indie Cindy is a record that is somehow allowed to exist alongside Surfer Rosa and for that I will never find it in my heart to forgive you.

I just assumed Brody was too busy hanging out with starfish and becoming a god to do movies anymore, good to see him back!

WHOA. Hold up: The GOB episodes were the best of season 4. I mean, yeah, your critique holds up because they're great thanks to the Tony Wonder/GOB interplay, but c'mon man: don't hate on a humble bee farmer and his bees.

As an Omaha man who wants to make movies, nothing eases the sting of…being stuck in Omaha quite like the early films of Alexander Payne, which really do capture the vibe and mindset of being a liberal in Nebraska (The Payne film actually called Nebraska is lacking in story but absolutely nails the Grand

At last, he would reveal himself to the Natives
At last, he would have…Revenge

I demand a co-writing, co-directing, and co-starring credit from the voice of our generation, Rich Evans.


Ya see, there's a reason the Black Lips aren't exactly known for their lyrical prowess. They can write one hell of a rock song, though.

I dunno, he took a really weird turn when he started slamming the ponies for selling out to corporate Equestria.

Well, /b/ does love their trans ladies.

You're implying that everyone who goes on 4chan approves of that behavior.
Some of us just like going on /mu/ and bitching about Death Grips.

Hey man, he quit drinking! And raises kids as a single father! That makes him better than everyone.