Capt. Muffin

I feel like an updated version of 4chan would be a bunch of far-right egomaniacs dressed like George Costanza who critique everything everyone else does, while worshiping at the altar of their one true prophet Ron Paul.

I was actually shocked when he announced he was publishing this, since every single chapter he posted was awful and was met with tepid reviews from Cracked's readership.

Seriously: what is this, 2007? Guy Fawkes masks aren't even used there anymore.

While I'll admit that Moffat is better at writing endings than RTD, I'm gonna contest your stance on companion send-offs: Doomsday, The Master Trilogy, and hell, even Journey's End all had better scripts than the treacly mellodrama of Angels Take Manhattan.

They wanted to end it before the premise got stale, which I found to be admirable, since it was on season 9 and was still getting consistently high ratings at the time.

Woah, man, that spoiler in the first paragraph! I'm glad I didn't read this review before I saw the movie, otherwise I probably would have been incredibly annoyed. Seriously!

Man, we're clearly on different wavelengths, since I thought Instant Crush, while good, was one of the weaker points on the record (along with "Game of Love.")

Dude, there's like, one Cinnabon here in Omaha, and it's at the airport. Saul's out of a job here.