
This is my favorite. It’s lightweight and inexpensive. It can be layered on top of and it feels very soft. It’s good for lounging and running errands. It’s not the hoodie for running but for every other hour of the day. You can sleep in it too. I prefer the front zipper as opposed to a pullover.

This is my favorite. It’s lightweight and inexpensive. It can be layered on top of and it feels very soft. It’s good

I don’t use Adblock and I look through Kinja deals when I want something in order to give back to the site. Hope each purchase helps.

I don’t use Adblock and I look through Kinja deals when I want something in order to give back to the site. Hope

I have to be the gross one and say this but many of my female friends who did box jumps complained about peeing themselves a little. It’s probably a good idea to suggest women who are prone to this to save box jumps for the end of a workout. They do have panty liners and icon panties for this.

Thank you for your service.

Oreo Thins are by far my favorite. Double and Ultra stuff is just too much cream. The crispy cookie is the best part.

I’ve never been a fan of flans but I am willing to give this a try because I’ve only had the Jello flan which people tell me isn’t real flan.

I’m a mechanical engineer and I could have guessed that is what they were for but I still found this post profoundly interesting and worth my time. For some Jalopnik-Curious people, on other parts of Gizmodo this could have been a revelation.

I’ve been having fun with my wife experimenting with Sous Vide. I was really hoping this would have been a resounding success but sadly the end product fell short. Thank you for trying this out and saving us the disappointment.

Southwest’s CEO is the contrarian the world needs.

Please please have them overturn my $800 in tickets in Nassau County.

Lesson learned. Definitely won’t forget it when it comes to buying the next house.

I was hoping someone would mention this, thank you.

He lost to pros but he’s still king against mediocre players. His 1 hour of frustration won’t stop him from cheating again.

We were advised by my in-laws to use a dual agent. They said, “They are willing to take a hit on the commission to get you into the house.” The $2,500 taken off the price of the house didn’t cover the $10,000 in repairs and headaches.

No questions helped. I was screwed over on all accounts. Never use a dual agent.

I ordered these from a dim sum place close to my house the other day and they were EXCELLENT. I wouldn’t mind trying to make these myself.

Pry the edge of the seal with a butter knife or spool.

My wife does this and I’ve just accepted that its something I have to live with.

I had a feeling that the pizzas were going to be either really shitty in terms of shape or just smaller so when I was offered a free pizza from Papa John’s I passed on the heart shape. Looks like I was right.

People often ask why I am taking my cat for a walk.