
I couldn’t stomach this movie. It was just gore porn to me. Understandably this is authentic to The Punisher but I really can’t stand the character. Worst yet, it’s a symbol used by Blue Lives Matter permitting lethal force to dole out justice.  

This whole season is like a fever dream. More confusing than any of the previous. 

Epic just recently got investing from a VC fund, why isn’t that news?

I, as an video game playing neckbeard who lives with his mom and has a 300 IQ but only the social skills that entitle me to a minimum wage job at Walmart, understand and know what is better for Wizard than Wizard itself. There isn’t an event in human history, not even the Holocaust that is affront to mankind quite

I’ve had complete strangers come up to me and start talking to me with the Apu voice. I’ve had homeless people taunt me with the Apu voice and ask me about my 7-11. My sister went on a blind date with a guy who broke out in the Apu voice. I’ve never lashed out at these people nor have I insulted them back. Apu may be

Yeah, I think it’s time you go outside. Go experience sunshine, a breeze and see some nature. Think really hard about what internet addiction has done to you. 

Sorry but does anyone else think Disney was put in a bad spot? Glad Gunn is getting to work but blame the alt right lackies and not the company that fired Rosanne. 

Epic’s job is to make profit. Content creators don’t have as much overhead. 5% is generous.  They could have easily drawn up a deal where the content creators don’t make any money but get more exposure.

It’s a smart strategy to keep Fortnite relevant. If creators get bored and focus on another game or they see a different game as being more profitable, their flock will follow. 

The Southwestern Egg Roll at Chilis is one of the best things on earth. I know it isn’t what you are referring to, but damn I love them. 

Not weird. I think we are all due for a movie to shake things up. 

Kinda reminds me of when Pokémon Go was brand new and broken. There was no explanation. You just played the game and figured it out by asking other players. That was fun. 

Just reset the whole damn thing or start forgetting loose threads from past movies. Marvel has forgotten a lot of loose threads. Plenty of stories will go unanswered. 

His and Affleck’s departure might have had something to do with the two of them constantly having sex with each other in between takes. From a WB exec: “It just got too messy having to have to clean up. We only have one mop on set. We had to put a stop to it.”

Make everyone happy and cast every role to be played by Idriss Elba. 

Nerds used to be progressive and inclusive citing that the fictional world takes the best elements of our world. Now they are so snobby and elitist. 

I think everyone is forgetting one thing. The end product is more important than your nerd rage. Batfleck, he was in two shitty movies but he did the role better than everyone expected. 

Maker or Ultimate Reed Richards. He went to another dimension to create beings to another dimension. 

Public works stuff is always expensive. Try buying a park bench, table or garbage can. They are meant to be durable and heavy which costs a lot of money. 

I remember dating being frustrating at some points. If I had been lead on and ended up at this I would just been pissed off.