
This makes me love Pewdiepie even more. I have never watched a single video of his but I love his take on this.

Why do you believe that Youtube doesn’t care about the content creators? They created YouTube red for the creators benefit. Its incredibly short sighted to them to neglect content creators.

I unsubscribe to channels all the time. I initially get excited about one video that went viral, then the next 2 are ok, then the next 3 are boring and I eventually lose interest. Sorry but popularity is cyclical not always linear.

I was looking into the FLIR one but it was extremely expensive. I think when it goes on sale I can justify the cost when I plug up all of the heat spilling holes throughout my house.

  • Some of these I don’t know if you’ve done but I’ve looked at some of your back issues so I’m not completely spitballing:

This is convincing me more and more to buy an infrared thermometer.

It had three seasons which is respectable but it didn’t catch on. I could definitely see why. The topics were controversial, the format was little strange with EVERY character being able to give an aside and there wasn’t a ringer actor to bring an audience. Also, the show was on Fox which doesn’t have the best history

It was a show on Fox called, “War at Home.” Remi played a gay muslim teenager who was outed in an episode. It was actually really sad because his father disowned him and threw him out of the house. He lived with the main cast’s family until his mother defied her husband and brought him back home. A lot of feels during

Glad you and I see eye-to-eye on this one. I do have a dawn light as well. I have also started napping or meditating once per day to help me relax. Anxiety is a big killer of sleep and that 15 minutes of me time generally helps with that.

I only take issue with #3 because many sleep wellness sites promote blackout curtains. In my experience, I have slept deeper and better in the night.

I get some that have no directions and some that have directions but they are for either steaming or frying. For the naive, this isn’t a bad article.

I think this is one of those issues that were made black and white with the hopes that people do the right thing. This way the FTC doesn’t have to respond to multiple complaints of “They sent this to me. I should be able to keep it.”

Nostaligia. Even fake nostalgia brings us back to a more comfortable place.

I went to a ComicCon that was showing off the Green Hornet edition of some forgettable car. The girl who worked there wasn’t responsible for knowing about the car but she was there to pose for photos. She was actually really polite and smiled when she posed next to a sweaty neckbeard for the 1000th time. Most of the

One key for all is a BRILLIANT idea. Thank you for the inspiration.

I am not the type of person to doubt any lifehack but the concept of daily carry seems more life complicating than simplifying. You have to lug around extra stuff that you may not even need. This is by far one of the most simple ones and least life complicating that I’ve seen but some Daily Carries have too much crap.

That sounds amazing. Thank you so much for answering my question!

I consider one of my most memorable meals to be from there. The wait is well worth it.

I sous vide turkey legs and then deep fried them for no more than 3 minutes. It was honest to God the best turkey I’ve ever eaten. It makes an incredibly good crust, but I agree, a whole bird is just for show. If you haven’t done it, please try it out!

Hey Jesika,