Yeah. I am not against masturbation. I think a lot of people are missing that and I AM very against religions pushing their agenda. So what I am describing comes from personal experience more than the organizations agenda.
Yeah. I am not against masturbation. I think a lot of people are missing that and I AM very against religions pushing their agenda. So what I am describing comes from personal experience more than the organizations agenda.
You could have exercised or read a book?
YMMV but some of these are from personal experience and what has negatively affected relationships of mine in the past.
Yeah, totally what happens to me as well.
That is a better way to describe it. I should probably use the term “crippling habit” to imply that. Good point.
I’m definitely talking about the small minority who absolutely does. Overall, its not a bad movement for the people who let porn and masturbation take control of their lives.
I love this comment, so much.
Additional consequences of excess porn:
Oh... thank god..
I was so close to buying a TDI and I am so glad that I didn’t.
Soooo... do you?
It is but its the trash that is familiar and predictable. Its like watching a sitcom, there aren’t many twists and everything ends up right wrapped up in a perfect package. In this case it is sappy love stories, rhythmic music and a brightly colored package.
I’m saying this as a Hindu, Indian-American. I’m really not surprised by the fact that Hindu Republicans exist even though the GOP is mostly geared towards Christian Conservatives. The first generation Hindu-Americans are people who own businesses and are closed minded for the most part. India does not look favorably…
Hard to believe I almost donated to that campaign months ago.
I am just happy using Ghee for most applications.
I still can’t figure out a way to ship cookies. I end up eating them before they get packed.
I didn’t listen to that exact podcast but I have read some of Sommer’s articles and it has forced me to slow down and rebuild many motions from the ground up. I’m focusing so much more on developing joints and flexibility to reduce injury. I’m also focusing on NOT killing myself with training. I would rather train…
Gymnastics training is a great way to build strength in general. Faster recovery times and less equipment needed. Like all fitness practices, it requires discipline and commitment.
When I was single I could barely convince a girl to let me buy her coffee...