Capt Hawkeye Fierce

My husband still needs to ask if the gender in "transgender man/woman" refers to their gender identity or their gender as assigned at birth. But he doesn't know anything about the trans community and certainly isn't being paid to write articles even tangentially related to it. It's not hard to fact check things before

I am always extremely angry when it turns out to be women who do these things.

Holy shit, that George Clooney joke was straight up brilliant.

this is seriously so uncomfortable i cannot stand it

She didn't touch his d***. She touched his s*** (sock).

I think it's really weird and creepy that her TV dad had that much control over her personal life to give her his "blessings" on her personal life decisions.

I think it is implying that Bonet "felt" or "sense" something wasn't right and wanted to get away from his control.

I have to believe that the universe is converging upon this very moment for Lisa Bonet to finally, triumphantly slap the mess out of her TV family.

The only thing I knew about Rashad before this is that her second husband was the cop from the Village People.

I have nothing else to say.

I just can't anymore with people who try and say stuff like "wait for the facts" or "you don't know". Way to call over a dozen women liars.

SO STOKED that Rashad used her opportunity to refute this "misquote" by continuing to perpetuate rape culture!!

great question and great asterisks, sir!

We have to stop criminalizing teenage dumbassness.

Yes, carte blanche is clearly the answer here. *eyeroll*

There is a difference between being teenage stupid and putting your stupidity online for everyone to see. This would be like, before there was the internet, telling everyone to come see you do your illegal activity. Sometimes, you don't need the likes and favs.

Stop criminalizing a crime? Stop giving these teens consequences for their actions? I think that's the whole problem. Of course, the teen brain has not fully developed and for smaller offenses the sentence should not follow them into adult hood. But can you understand the weight the victim carries in this crime, the

<Cries into a thermos monogrammed K.D.*> That was beautiful.