
So “Jokic” is Serbian for “Plumlee”?

Can’t wait for Mark Wahlberg to play Edelman in the movie version. The ball will be voiced by Seth MacFarlane.

There is no greater sense of pride and accomplishment than when your work team comes together to pull off a project that took literally all year and caused you pounding headaches, relentless anxiety, and lost sleep so that a few of the results can be taken and plopped onto a single PowerPoint slide and delivered as a

The existence of a coach named Jeff Fish implies the existence of a coach in the NFL named Jeff Fishest.

You got it. People of conscience and patriotism should stay clear, and the only people who should be in the military now are those who are 1000% on board with Trumpistan, so when the military is called forth to preserve the autocrat’s power, they’ll be fully staffed with those who have no issues with firing on

1) Improve free-throw percentage

This is the perfect chance for me to show off how baseball teams have overlooked RBIs and Pitching Wins.

Pictured: Gar Foreman.

Jeff Sessions is the worst of the crackers.

The reference he may have been going for was Matthew Harrison Brady from “Inherit the Wind.” Even more fundie!

You got a problem with me calling my mom Mother? Well kiss my ass. If you’ve got a problem with it, maybe we should step outside. Although I warn you, you do NOT want to bang heads with me.

I mean, would the Patriots really have won if not for #lack-of-REM-ghazi?

Dunno. He would make a great Guy Gardner.

Un-fun fact: that was my dad’s new wife’s kids that did the Thriller dance. We had to do a choreographed dance at my dad’s wedding.

I agree, if she wants a dance she can plan it and participate

I would end my friendship with the groom, dissolve my relationships with his entire family and agree to never again speak to any and all of our mutual friends before I would perform in a choreographed dance at his wedding.

RE: The co-ordinarted groomsman dance, the inventors of youtube are going to burn in hell for what they’ve done to what people want to do at weddings.

I don’t think this kid is going to pan out. After all, there is no “I” in team but somehow their are two of them in Embiid.