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    Aw yes, growing balls when you're a woman does make it very awkward. I mean... do you tell your date before you go on the date.. or later when rubber's about to meet the road. Or do just leave the lights off and hope he doesn't notice. I wish I were a philosopher.

    Wait wait wait... what party is fully owned subsidiary of the corporate america pray tell.

    Dude.. it was a joke. The white stuff ... cmon seriously?

    If I was talking out of my ass, you'd probably be dead. No seriously, after the crap I ate last night...

    Sounds good to me. Starting with the Occupy movement... occupying a location won't change anything. Change the name of the movement to something that actually explains its purpose and then legally and through the votes of the people of the US, rally people to the cause and find candidates for congress/senate to be

    Yeah, if I were a red coat in that time period...I would say that George Washington was illegitimate. However, since real freedoms were actually being removed from the people (notice I said real freedoms), I would have probably sided with the rebel's of that day/age.

    Yep... grow some balls. In the military, its part of our basic training. Same goes for the women.

    hahaha! YES. Protestor to the cop. One more, come on... don't be a beech!

    I knew I hearted you for a reason!

    Thank you! If you don't mind, I'm going to copy/paste what you've just said to every comment provided by someone who decided they just had to go to an ivy league school to graduate with a degree in Arts and they think its unfair that the only job they could get was at McDonalds despite paying $50,000 for a degree.

    Excessive force? Did your mama spank you with a pillow growing up? Man up buttercup.

    You sir win the internets for the day!

    The last time I checked, human bodies don't come with handles.

    That white stuff on Grandma's face wasn't pepper spray!

    Even public land has rules/regulations that must be followed. Ie. You can't camp out on public land. Ever heard of that one?

    Calling the president names isn't a crime. Also, your hint at racism is weak, unless you only watch/read left leaning media.

    That would probably be the funniest and best video of the year!

    Shhshsh! Common sense has no place here.

    And then it happens: You're minding your own business, sitting in the middle of a road with some friends, and then a cop walks in front of you and turns the world into a source of pain.

    Eh... the hatred for the protestors has nothing to do with their cause (well I guess it depends what a persons cause is because you know some of them just want free education, others, I have no clue), but mostly it has to do with the illegal activities committed by the protesting groups combined with the need for