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    Haha... agreed. You made a very good point, but oh well, with some people, you are a troll no matter what you say. Even if what you say is the truth. This symptom is much worse on Gawker. I wish Molly would stay and write articles there and not post them here.

    Dude... cmon seriously? Do you read anything that is written in these comment forums.

    Agree... but then who on an Android phone would want to use an inferior product like Facetime that is limited to only iPhone when a majority of users actually use Android (see sale numbers) w/ GChat that can also be used by iPhone users.

    I agree that each OS has its pro's and con's. And I know that with other apps you can do what Facetime can't. And I'm glad the iPhone came out. It really did revolutionize the industry for smart phones.

    Definitely sounds like an issue on the phone itself. I have the Samsung Galaxy S2 (Epic 4g Touch Sprint) and I use the turn by turn provided by Google Maps and my battery stayed at 100% when I disconnected it from the USB charger that was plugged into the car after an ~7hr drive from Sacramento, CA to LA.

    The 3GS hasn't even turned 3 years old yet. Its first release date was June 19th of 2009. And again as everyone keeps pointing out... you are getting excited for an update to give a few more features that 3yr old Android phones can already do. So what exactly is there to be happy about? That your OS has different

    You can't promise that. No way no how. All the latest Android phones in the past year are guaranteed to get the latest ICS OS. That has already been announced.

    Look... if you enjoy your iPhone as it is. Then no worries, stick with it. However, if you were hoping for an update to your iPhone that would give it all the feature sets that the latest iPhone will have, then either Jailbreak your iPhone or get a great Android phone.

    Yeah... my post to Justinpe is for you too. Your so happy for getting an update of some sort even though your phone can't do what all older versions+newer version of Android can already do stock.

    What good is the latest OS if it doesn't have the latest features?

    Ah yes... I can see you guys now... huddled over your phones with a stop watch. Ah the data from your test must be astounding.

    Haha... speeds on wifi... you sir are both technologically illiterate and wearing your head up apple's arse blinders.

    Eh - I think the fact that Samsung is releasing ICS to all variants of their widely popular Samsung Galaxy 2 phones for AT&T/TMobile/Sprint + Verizon's ICS upgrades to all their Droids... that graph is going to look very different by the time IOS 6 comes out in the new iPhone.

    Well what did you expect when you buy a stupid phone like the HTC Evo 3D. I wouldn't even upgrade that phone it sucks so much. Sheesh...

    You sir win the internet for the next hour!

    Remove 3.0 since it only applies to tablets + Samsung Galaxy 2 phone versions getting 4.0 in the next month on TMobile/AT&T/Sprint, and you literally will have a graph that looks more like Apple's. Marketing at its finest.

    Exactly... you can't blame the software producer when the manufacturer specifically takes the software and modifies it to their liking only to have a developer develop a ROM that brings the software back towards the original purpose. Granted, it still bothers me how I feel like Samsung has been putting in only ok

    To add to your point, why the heck do people still use browsers today anyway? Aren't apps built exactly for that purpose. I rarely use my browser and when I do, I mimic a desktop anyway because usually the app I'm already using doesn't have the information I want. Or how about my parents. They most definitely do

    Exactly... so to answer the question of this blog post based upon the title... no, multicore processors are not a waste of time.

    Great - maybe now manufacturers will hurry up and start making monitors with better/higher resolution settings. I'm not blind, but I'm sure my 24" 1920x1080 monitor could hold more pixels, make text look smaller, and still read everything just fine. Except now, there is simply more to look at :)