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    I can't believe you watch MSNBC.

    As the election draws near, its only going to get worse.

    I think you and Sam should get together in a dark quiet place and cuddle.

    If you ran a conspiracy theorist blog, you might actually make a decent living.

    I thought you were sending this to Sam... you know... as a way to tell him to CALM THE F@CK DOWN!

    Let me fix that for you... "Keep in mind Gizmodo has several writers- all with different outlooks on things, but the same political view points, that you would think they shared their political views over a cup of coffee during their 8am morning meeting."

    Ah is this what Liberal's meant by toning down our rhetoric post Giffords shooting.

    I wouldn't even waste your time with this guy. He has his head so far up Daily Kos, I wouldn't be surprised if he is a 'hipster' representing the 51% of American's who didn't pay any income tax from the 2009 IRS report. And that won't stop him from yelling "Tax the rich" despite the fact that they alone paid 40% of

    Unfortunately you are the biggest troll here. None of your posts have any factual data in them at all. You're just spouting liberal fantasies.

    Haha... if you make a fortune on this, congrats.

    And in the end, you'll just be double f'cked. No lube on a pastic/latex doll is gonna hurt like hell.

    Actually GC is wrong. A look at 1) what percentage of the US actually paid taxes and 2) a break up how percentage of taxes are payed by the rich versus the poor will show you that the rich actually do their fair share and then some.

    Are you kidding?! The president tried to compromise? That statement alone shows that your knowledge on whats going on is a joke. What has he tried to compromise on?

    The focus needs to be on taxing the super rich members of society who do not contribute to other working members of society. IE> Tax Google/Apple/Microsoft, etc less, and tax the crap out of Brad Pitt and every moron in Hollywood (especially all the idiots with the Vote or Die crap), every professional sports player

    I have a feeling that as a result of the efforts and the people (possibly idiots) at Anon and Lulzsec is going to result in an internet that is going to be more heavily controlled and monitored.

    Agree... maybe while they are in there, they can delete all my voicemails. :)

    I was going to simply say something like... "Your English sucks" but your response was more enjoyable.


    @jvsc - I guess the public school system forgot to teach him how elections work?

    @Helixthe2nd: I guess those idiots include yahoo.com, huffington post, esquire... etc - just a few of the sites still calling it a kiss when searching for it on google.