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    @Lite: an adventurer is me!: I hearted you for something you've written in the past, but the phoenixnewtimes.com? Really, they are so overwhelmingly left, I doubt they have a single object journalistic bone in their entire staff.

    @fughedaboudit: Well they already have the recorded webcam footage where you showed off that growth on your left nut.

    @KamWrex: Agree and very well said.

    @vinod1978: Arizona did vote... hence the people you have in charge today. I guess it's easy to criticize the people of Arizona and its laws when you live in safely many miles away.

    Since the majority of people actually living in Arizona voted the people in power, maybe all the officers who's names get leaked will get congratulated. I can only hope so.

    my ears are bleeding...

    @bloknayrb: They didn't say that the 4 buttons didn't exist... just that the 4 buttons were probably not something you could touch on the hardware itself. So you probably have an on/off button that then exposes some software based home/back/search/etc buttons.

    @stupidsimple: Man... I so agree with your statement, that I wanted to say LOL at the beginning.

    Wait wait... so the 4 trillion in debt we have acquired under Obama was what exactly? A band aid to try and fix the economy... be bringing us further into debt?

    So let me get this straight:

    Wow... I never realized such a "stupid" president had such a lasting impact.

    @SkipErnst: It doesn't seem. It is an attack on a single person. Or at least it was. Pathetic? Yes! Would it make liberal/progressive media a ton of money if they found some dirt on Palin? Heck yea!

    @triggerx: Oh c'mon... you know Obama's new slogan for 2012 is going to be "I inherited this mess".

    @saxgod: "giving Palin the idea we all actually care".

    @Ben Zvan: It's pretty sad when you start to miss the 8 years under Bush because of how things are going currently.

    @StarControl: Agreed... My jaw dropped when I saw those pictures.

    @krzysztof125: Yep - which is why New Orleans still looks the same... in exactly those poor parts where most black people live whom he loves.