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    @holy holes batman: haha... holy crap! I didn't know Sasuke could balance nearly everything. Freakin' awesome.

    @geolemon: Except that the food pyramid is outdated and needs to be revised. Google it - new science.

    @highfloydelity: I agree. It seems that we have all adopted this two party system when it comes to all major seats in office. Even worse, it seems as if most people don't even have a clue what these candidates stand for, or what plan they have for office. They simply vote based upon the D for Democrats or R for

    Barbara Boxter for California - HECK NO! Carly Fiorina FTW. I mean cmon... she was the friggin CEO of HP. If anyone knows tech, it would be her.

    @JakeMG:Switzerland: You deserve your star sir! I guess there is hope that real people are out looking up the facts and not simply voting based upon the letter next to their name. Thanks for the site suggestion also.

    @highfloydelity: Then don't add the D or R next to their name. Right? Since it isn't a big deal.

    @evil.attorney: Uh... former CEO of HP Carly Fiorina in place of Barbara Boxter. Seriously, anyone who votes that woman into office is an idiot because she is about as dumb as a box of bricks.

    @conception: Yes! The prospect.org... not as overly liberal as MSNBC or CBS, but wonderfully so.

    I know the editors are Democrats or Liberals or whatever the hell they are called these days, but i'd like to address one point mentioned in the above post.

    @thechansen: And there is the bias along with the misleading point by point playback.

    @frigg: "Yes, but wouldn't it be great if anyone who ever offered a needy person help offered it without any strings attached, before or after."

    @contest005: Are you serious or are you just talking out of your butt.

    Hmm... its looks very impressive in the beginning but @ 1:24, the footage starts to look very bad. I guess at 1:24 is when they started to use the N8?

    * Sigh * If you are crazy enough to believe a batshit story like the one on O'Donnell based on what? photographs of her in a halloween costume... I'd like to submit my own anonymous story of me with Jessica Coen or any woman ... period.

    Killian's beer eh... no wonder things got crazy!

    @duurtlang: Bleh.. that's such bull*hit.

    @frigg: That's the problem though. This idea of imposition. The focus is always first and foremost the needs and care of the people. For a missionary, the greatest way to show someone or anyone what you believe is through action.. ie. providing care and help. You'd be surprised how many people come on their own

    @AreWeThereYeti: Thank you sir! Now will Gizmodo's Apple loving but I hate everything Google fanboi's learn how to correctly do an article write up.