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    @taniquetil: sigh... I love it when idiots use the argument of government funded programs that the government SHOULD run (like police and military especially) as their argument that all the money that goes to the government is purposeful and necessary.

    @justinpe: Think outside of the box. It is the one not shown in the video.

    @footbomb: The other issue here is the use of the word gay. The definition and its use alone several different meanings.

    @Joshua Milwer..: although I don't agree with mkr10001 - i've seen far too often guys who are more effeminate in nature that are straight get harrassed and called gay because they simply weren't as macho or manly or exhibiting traits that you would see from the manliest of men.

    @mexi1010: sometimes I wish I could get a job as the head CEO of this company. its potential is so freakin amazing and yet I don't understand how Palm hasn't yet destroyed the market.

    @GiRtheWaffler: Yes, but the hardware of the 3gs (ie size, soft keyboard, and screen + resolution) makes the iphone superior since the original 3g.

    @mexi1010: Oh man they had better come out with more capable hardware. I swear... I can imagine the groans of millions of internet users worldwide when they read that the hardware is pretty much the same... just faster?

    My hopes were just dashed to the floor. Seriously, the hardware as it is is stupid. Screen size is too small. Hardware keyboard is too small. Lose the freakin keyboard, and make the screen a bit bigger to compete with some of the other larger resolutions out there.

    @redman042: I don't think anyone is making it out to be the holy grail of anything. But articles like this by an over pompus writer named Jesus Diaz that make Android appear to be this gigantic clusterfuck when developers (the guys who actually write the code) for Android at TweetDeck state that it wasn't and isn't

    @haran_elessar: Your post is awesome... until you made it political. Then it sucked a little.

    @ManiacalShen: Really... a 17yr old girl in today's society... eh... with sex ed being taught as young as 2nd grade... I don't think she was freaked out.

    @Live N Learn: Nah - If my son did something stupid, I wouldn't support it and would expect the law to do its job and take him away blah blah blah, but if someone tortured my son just to get his own personal sense of vengeance, then yeah, I don't see how anyone with a boy wouldn't get pissed.

    @ItsMeMasih: Except for the fact that your brother enjoys looking at pictures of 24 year old nuts :P

    Everyone keeps talking about thier "daughter" but if my son did this, and then I found out some a-hole of a father did this to him, I'd be very inclined to go buy a baseball bat and beat the idiot within 1 inch of his life.

    In the future, he will be known as Sgt. Johnson and he will be badass!

    @inflammatorywrit: If curing the sick was as simple as touching someone, I'm sure society would have no problem doing a lot of touching and hence - moving forward.

    @brennan7: The iphone's has a much better resolution in its older phones than the Pre. The iPhone didn't have a keyboard which most people didn't care about because the software keyboard was good enough. But since the Pre did have a keyboard, it was compared to the other keyboard phones by HTC which are fantastic.

    @femme-bot: You don't have to be religious to be pro-life or to question when life officially begins. People come in all shapes/sizes/emotional sensitivities.

    @science is sexy: A follow up to that article was recently posted that also provides some awesome insight into research on adult stem cells.