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    @robotwaste: No worries - we might all just use Adult Stem cells one day that match our own bodies removing all chance of rejection.

    I personally am glad that such a moral dilemma was placed upon the scientific community by "religious fanatics" otherwise efforts to discover if adult stem cells could be used to replace embryonic cells wouldn't have been as successful as it has been earlier this year.

    Is it just me, or is Giz asking its editors to wear clown makeup? Or maybe the flash taken is making the guy look super white!

    @rcs914: these forums that you speak of... might I know of their location.

    @Tim Gee: So being educated automatically makes you trustworthy? I'll save you some time and just make the assumption that you aren't the most gullible person in the world and that you didn't really mean what you said.

    @rcs914: eh... how the heck do you find anything on rapidshare? I find that Files Tube works much much better. :)

    @Tim Gee: Oh you mean the "scientist" who wrote the article and cross referenced to more articles (some of which the links are missing).

    @Tim Gee: Lol... the comments section to the article you are linking above does a good job of destroying apart the information provided in the article which is filled with even more inaccurate information and more myths.

    @datafox: Durn.... so now we play the waiting game.

    @xsbs: I'm actually hiding under my desk because when those left handed red headed left wing teabagees come a knockin, they won't be too happy.

    @beercheck: I think I might go and unscrew all my energy saving light bulbs the night before and put in high wattage light bulbs. Maybe drive all over town in one car while my wife takes the other car to get to the same location.

    @Bisnicks: Nope... all we can do is wait. Unless he does something that would get him impeached. But... it takes a lot to get impeached I guess. Oh well.

    You know what I hate about posts like this one and every other post about going "green"? It's that the only reason we should go green is to do "our planet favors". How about if we improve our Solar power tech + battery tech, it's going to make our ability to transport and operate machinery anywhere we want to that

    @comodidit: I'm Christian and I opt-in. Again, I don't see any reason why any Christian or Non-Christian would opt-out unless you are afraid that who ever finds your body might accidently mistaken you for dead, and pull out your liver when you are in fact very much alive (yikes)

    @atticus679: Wait... $75 annually? Like you pay $75 once a year? That's peanuts ... no matter how poor you are (unless you are homeless).

    Ok... sounds like it might be an interesting article. Gonna click to check it out!

    @Modern Sense: Yah... I did think the fairy chick was kinda cute... even for a cartoon.

    @Timmy: Eh... I think the conspiracy theory behind the jet contrails is entirely different than burned jet fuel. The contrails are supposed to be a chemical released to stop Global Warming or something like that.

    @Modern Sense: "Mother Earth" ... really?! You must have been a big fan of Fern Gulley!

    @michael: Are those beer canisters?