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    Hoping the two new models with be a non-keyboard version and a keyboard version. Hopefully the non-keyboard will be a 4" phone while the keyboard version can be whatever as long as the keyboard is a nice as HTC's keyboards on some of their phones. :)

    @parachoid: Yes and they taste taste much better! Your post sir is the best one in this entire forum.

    It would be pretty nice to see this in the next WEB OS phone. Hopefully HPalm won't screw this one up. :)

    @DARSFOG: I agree... WTF is wrong with people these days. No wonder people fail at orgasms so much. Maybe Cosmo should hurry up and do an article on "If they are texting while having sex, then clearly something is wrong."

    Brian - why do you care so much that children under the age of 18 enjoy sexting so much?

    So the Blackberry Storm 3 is a thumb ring? How the frack does it work?

    @trs: Ah nothing like a political troll to start off the morning just right.

    Looks great. I just hope the battery will last longer than 10 minutes. Seriously... have we progressed at all in the battery dept?

    Where is a hurricane when you need one.

    @David88: Agreed... very disappointed.

    So - how long does a warning last. ie. If I do something wrong and a month passes by - do I get taken off the warning list or am I always going to be on the warning list.

    She's evil alright. - Don't let the Amazon reps fool you.

    As a critic, I would say that the way they guy runs at the end was pretty bad. He seems to run like a girl in an bad anime.

    Maybe now we can all focus on more important matters such as Iran's human rights issue - [www.nytimes.com]

    @elvisml2: too bad using this same chart would also seem to make you a racist as it was the Black race group identified the most with God/protestant religion.

    Wld t b wrng f sd sh ndd t ls sm wght?

    @Canon7D-Fanboy: "That's exactly my point. If you can't explain it, you chalk it up to GOD DID IT."

    @Johnbobz: Agree with main idea of your point.

    @bobojuice: Ahhahhaha this is the best thing I've seen all day. I would give you a star if I could.