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    @Canon7D-Fanboy: Huh... so then the Ipad today in the present is no longer too complicated to happen by chance? Sweet I guess by chance, I'll find an Ipad sitting on my doorstep. I would ask you if I should do something to help it along, but then that would be pointless as I shouldn't need to do anything to make it

    @nieltown: OMG the answers I've been waiting for all my life - who knew Gizmodo would supply them! Brilliant!!!

    Wow! HP - if you are reading this - please take note that the only thing lacking from a truly great device is great hardware.

    If only this had WebOS running it...

    @Slinkytech: Haha thats just like that post that no one read but only went to it because it had a picture of a half naked cheerleaderrrrr... oh wait - wrong site.

    @Slinkytech: Really - its kinda disappointing actually. As others have said - compared to the results that the Nikon D3100 is generating along with rumors about the new D90 replacement, this doesn't look all that appealing.

    @Trai_Dep: Wow man... you are an ass. And with no real information to add to the discussion either.

    @jdale: fifthed!? That doesn't sound right, but heck yeah!

    @xsbs: Ok.... since there are about 7 billion people on this planet... if everyone does their part and drinks at least 32 oz. of ocean water converted to fresh water - we would end up displacing approximately 224000000000 oz of water daily.

    @eblingmis: haha awesome! heart click for you!

    How about spending that extra money to carve out a path that would take the excess water to the deserts around the world. :)

    @MifuneT: Hopefully the boys over at CHDK(*) can do something about it ;)

    Sigh... I was all excited and stuff but now that I realize that you are paying almost $100 more for HD video and HDR pictures on a camera that is basically the same sensor/internals as the S90/G11 - why not just import the firmware onto the S90 and call it a day.

    @azzilla: really - I've been reading quite the opposite. If that is the case, then yeah I would def. stay away from the S95.

    @Mex: Well yeah - once you invest in one brand... moving to another one is going to be very very expensive. Unless of course you only have 2 lens - the cheap 18-55 and 55-200mm ones.

    @dt030: I believe it has a Hi1 or Hi2 setting. Basically you will never ever want to take pictures in this mode unless picture grain is your thing. Note digital grain is not as nice as film grain. :(

    @8bitch: True - I have the Canon T2i and the Nikon D40 and I still enjoy the feel/handling and usage of the Nikon D40. Gonna have to return the T2i though and save up for the D90 replacement they will be announcing in Sept.

    @azzilla: I disagree... if the video quality of the low light of the S95 is better than all your typical flip camcorders and the picture quality if fantastic, then this is a beautiful thing to own.

    @Stevox: Good point... although Canon needs to make some money on something this year... hence the minor upgrade while charging for an arm/leg.