
Yeah, in here last bit of workout with the knife while talking to her sister, did you notice where her last thrust ended up?

Emily Stephens - for gawd's sake go to a libray, or used book store, or even the internet and browse through a few copies of True Detective magazine… here I'll help you out: http://www.patterson-smith….

Having been the victim of multiple broken ribs, there is no way in the world Ray RUNS after a perp, JUMPS a fence, LEAPS among culverts, and TACKLES Ani. Still it moves the story along…

Not better than GoT, but seriously a great franchise show. A weekend binge watching Rome and Spartacus is something to look forward to!


"All of those targets are worthy of comedic scrutiny, but such satire must go beyond the self-evident and into the ugly details. “Half-Cocked” comes close a few times, such as when Alex’s torturer remarks that they learned how to waterboard from the CIA …"

What? Che is no longer de rigueur?

Yep, I was surprised by the ignorance of the reviewer. I imagine he went to high school and/or college somewhere where the sports jocks attracted the girls…

Nope - producers making a political statement. Vinci/Caspere=sleazy proof is the photo with Bush.

High Sparrow is persecuting fornicators of any stripe.

Or breaking her…

My wife and I both looked at each other and said at the same time, "Wait! This isn't supposed to be a re-run!"

I don't know… I feel she has this gnawing attraction Finch.

You realize this is all John discovering that within himself?

How many holes does Camryn Manheim have in her ear(s)? (Certainly more than would be expected on a cabinet level executive - even a wet worker).

Didja notice that Fusco was in the presence of way more information and actions by Team Machine. It's imminent that he'll be let in on the secret. I'm hoping it'll the Machine directly letting him know…

Ack.. I'm showing my age…just made a post touting a Taxi episode….which was canceled in 1984… :(

“epic kiss.”

B-??? More an A-. I really enjoyed the lightness of the episode. Even in everyday life, there are ups and downs. PoI follows this- and, as you say, moves the story along.