
It’s weird, I don’t remember conservatives saying “keep politics out of sports” when Rush was, for some reason, part of the Sunday Night Football team.

I took it as Drogon being unable to kill Jon since he’s Targaryen and instead blowing rage/sadness fire off to the side of him. The melting throne was just a coincidence. Whatever was to the left of Jon would have been torched.

Having him catch his sword on a tent pole was a nice little touch.

Wasn’t that what the hosts would say when looking at something that they were programmed not to notice?

It’s not an AV Club article until someone brings up Chekhovs gun for no good reason.

I still think he may be working on a way to transfer consciousness from human to host, and that will be William’s reward if he succeeds. How you ask? Well those drone hosts looked pretty advanced; robots making robots...

Ok, get this. Jon is a red herring. Dany is Azor Ahai, she loses another dragon in battle, and the true love she needs to sacrifice is her last remaining dragon.

This redesign of AV Club was illogical, dumb, and not fun whatsoever.

So you have a problem with the zombie dragon breathing fire after damage to its imaginary fire glands, but you don’t have a problem with skeleton zombies being able to move without any muscles?

I don’t think Littlefinger’s fate was meant to show the Stark girls were playing him the whole time. I think they were genuinely wary of each other, and Sansa at least was genuinely being manipulated. Until she played Littlefinger’s game. We watch her work it out. If you assume the worst, the conclusion is that Arya

That was fantastic! Sophie Turner was killing it. She put so much conviction and feeling into each charge against Littlefinger.

They seemed to be on the inland side of the collapse.