
Naw… Finch with a hammer is classic irony!

I just noticed… AI and IA are mirrors…?!?! Both were specifically mentioned in this episode.

Greatest cover song ever? R-E-S-P-E-C-T by Aretha Franklin.

Then we agree! (However, the original intent is NOT irrelevant to the story as a whole, or the reason there is no back wall on Castle Black).

The Wildings are not the reason the Wall was built. They just became ancillary enemies, mostly because they didn't live on the south side of the Wall. RE: the Long Winter, White Walkers, et. al.

I upvoted this, 'cept I like Sam.

People forget (as do many of the characters) that the 'Wildlings' are not what the wall, and also the Night's Watch, are defending against.

Wouldn't that be MFm?

Dearly loved the prominence of the Flayed Man banners; then the graphic depiction of what a flayed man actually looks like. Ramsey's touch of the flayed Ironborn fool was more of a caress. Actually expected Ramsey to lick his finger…

Ships! Where are the Ships!

Autopsy? From that explosion? Autopsy of what? Molecules?

Still… how many people do you know with exactly the same name. I can count half dozen pairs in my life circle. Same name, different face wouldn't elicit much rumination on my part.

five pages of comments and FINALLY somebody gets to this! I think this is Finch's conundrum as well. The look on his face when Reese proposes that the Machine want's them to kill the Senator - it's the conflict of the 3 Laws within Finch as well as within the Machine.

It was breakfast… and pancakes…

Charlie Manson called his female followers, nuns. Other occult groups use the same term as well.

I went to bed immediately after watching last night, and my heart was racing. Turned on the bedside radio and "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" (BTO) is blairing! Took me a while to get to sleep.

Unless Rust has a serious case of DID (dissociative identity disorder - i.e. multiple personality's), of which there is no indication in this, or previous, episodes - he is not "admiring his work." Rust walks into that school house and is actively exploring. He's not walking like he knows what is there or where to

Damned IRS.

The fact that the RIVERS have been channeled and leveed has much more to do with the erosion of the land. Without the seasonal flooding replenishing soil and creating land, the sea continues to eat away at the land that was built out of swamp by nature.

Poor bastard. <grin>