
If only someone had tried to point that out to you.

Benicio Del Toro for Long John Silver please and thank you.

Back in the days of the IMDb message boards, I remember how most users amused themselves on the board for Fant4stic. They were photoshopping gorilla heads onto Michael B. Jordan, posting pictures of black men who were horribly burned, things like that. This was how they joked. This is what they found funny.

Using comedy to make fun of racists is not the same as being racist. This is not a difficult concept to grasp.

So we’re just going to give Joker to the pathetic, insecure jackasses who knowingly hijack our culture. One of the core tenets of these folks is that everything belongs only to them, and we’re just going to allow them to take something else because we can’t recognize the difference between depicting violence and

For your analogy to work, this would have to be a movie that juuuuuust about tells its audience to kill people, without quite saying it all the way. Kind of like how certain people give their underlings orders to commit crimes without quiiiiiite saying “go commit this crime for me”. To assume that Joker takes this

If someone sees a red light and thinks it gives them permission to just drive right into the intersection, is it the light’s fault? These people saw themselves in a freaking cartoon frog. They will steal anything and everything in our culture to claim it as their own, and to use it against us, but they don’t get to

Based on the marketing, what I’ve read in reviews, and even a leaked clip or two, it’s pretty safe to say that the violence in this film is ugly, and disgusting, and intentionally so. That’s not a judgement, that’s just reading the freaking room.

portraying the Joker is a positive or heroic light

So you’re happy to jump in with the idiots who bitched about the 2016 Ghostbusters because it happens to be convenient for you at this moment?

Empathy and concern for others is great. But how does that really relate to this conversation? We’re talking about whether or not a movie should be held responsible for inciting violence. What if some misogynist cretin decided to shoot up a screening of Captain Marvel? You might think, “but the content of that film

I didn’t judge those films before I saw them. I loved Captain Marvel and Black Panther. I thought Ghostbusters was just okay, personally. I’m not going to judge Joker before I see it on the basis that violent movies should be held responsible for the violent actions of violent people. Especially when, unlike the films

Except that glorified, sanitized violence is depicted as just and righteous far, far more often. Yeah, the pathetic white guy turning into a mass murderer is a narrative that’s been told before, but I chalk it up to the fact that we have yet to reckon with that horrible reality as a society in a way that has a lasting

It’s true, people have been committing mass murder around Batman media for 80 years now. Every time the 60s TV show aired, people dressed like Cesar Romero would go on rampages all over the country.

Most superhero movies glorify and glamorize violence to some extent. So do the John Wick movies. So do the Fast and Furious movies. So do lots and lots and lots of other movies. It is a constant thing.

You could make the argument that violent video games allow such untitled white men to indulge in violent fantasies precisely because of the participatory nature inherent to video games as a medium. Video games allow you to actively engage in violence and reward you for doing so.

If you say “this movie will give edgelords more ammunition for their hatred of ‘normies’ and women” then I’ll say “you sound just like every Republican who goes on Fox News and blames violent video games after a shooting”.

The idea that this was just some unrelated script that got a couple minor changes to shoehorn it into an existing franchise is nothing more than a dumbass conspiracy theory created to justify why the film doesn’t live up to the personal standards of loud, angry hypocrites. It is dumber than anything cooked up by the

The idea that this was just some unrelated script that got a couple minor changes to shoehorn it into an existing franchise is nothing more than a dumbass conspiracy theory created to justify why the film doesn’t live up to the personal standards of loud, angry hypocrites. It is dumber than anything cooked up by the

It’s interesting how many people use Trump’s terribleness as an excuse to bust out all the worst, most hateful fat hating language. I wonder if these same people use Cosby’s terribleness as an excuse to be racist. “He’s a bad person, so it’s okay to use language that’s hurtful toward an entire group of people against