
BACK THE TRUCK UP...Shrek is a book!? How have I gone so long without knowing this? Dang...

“All Christians who do not follow Christ’s teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness”

ANYBODY making a Superman game would be fantastic, but y’know, durr hurr he boring too powerful too good no can tell story unless dark and realism and gritty Superman too underpants smiling powerful Batman better he relatable even though super rich playboy orphan genius inventor ninja detective he can beat anybody

Yeah, ‘cuz it’s not like the Injustice series is the only major video game series out there where Superman fans can actually play as Superman. It’s not like there aren’t any alternatives out there where Superman fans don’t have to play as a version of Superman who is a complete and utter insult to everything Superman

Depends on what we’re talking about. If we’re going to root ourselves FIRMLY in reality, then hell no, because sex with a vampire would be about as appealing as sex with a zombie. In other words, if you approach the question from this perspective, you have to undo the influence of fiction and pop culture on our

Also Mario never wears the hat or the overalls. Or the red shirt. And he doesn’t have a mustache. And they constantly mock the video games. And every interview has to mention how they’re trying to be as “not like the video games” as possible. And reviews will constantly point out how this isn’t actually a “video game”

Dude, the answer is simple: SUPERMAN IS AN OVERPOWERED BOY SCOUT. It’s difficult to write anything truly challenging for what is basically an Immortal Benevolent Space Jesus.

Again, the Injustice universe branches off of the standard depiction of these characters, the same way they’re depicted in the Earth-1 universe. But for all intents and purposes, in these games the Injustice universe IS the main universe. That’s where we spend the most time, and it’s those characters we spend the most

“Very clearly an alternate universe” doesn’t work for me. As I said, the premise presents an alternate future that branches off of our perception of the real DCU, including the real Superman. It depicts the “real Superman” BECOMING a fascist monster. That is out of character. Period. Excusing horrendous

I can’t stand evil Superman. It’s funny, Superman was created by a couple Jewish guys too, but unlike with Captain America no one seems to mind when he’s turned into a fucking Nazi. “Oh it’s just an alternate reality” they say, ignoring that the premise here is more of an alternate future, a dark timeline that

I’m a big classic monster fan and for better or worse I follow these projects, and I remember the reporting about how it was connected. Even then, however, they flip-flopped on it a lot. They still kept referring to this Mummy film as the universe launcher and half the time no one was sure if that little Dracula flick

Man, I get tired of being the guy who has to say this. Unfortunately most of the replies in this thread have incorrect info.

First of all, Donald Pleasance saying he’s the boogeyman isn’t a literal thing. It’s metaphorical. Or are we supposed to assume that Michael is the Devil too? After all Loomis says he has the Devil’s eyes.

I think what he means here is avoiding the BLATANTLY supernatural stuff that was added later on, where Michael was LITERALLY a supernatural force that COULD NOT be killed AT ALL. In the original, there was much more ambiguity. It was more a matter of, like...he’s a flesh and blood human being, but something is off.

This is really childish but it made me laugh, so...yeah, that’s all I can say I guess. Hrm.

They may be atypical but they’re still firmly within the comic book superhero genre. The films, and now the TV shows it seems, have no interest in that genre. They would rather be generic sci-fi material. Heck, Logan REVELED in its disdain for the genre of the source material. “This isn’t a comic book movie” is

The most annoying thing about the X-Men movies is how they consistently REFUSE to be comic book superhero movies. They’ll even MOCK the source material. That this TV show dilutes the X-Men down into “generic sci-fi” as well is no surprise to me.

I can’t put all the blame on Meyer. Twilight is merely the ripest fruit from the tree that Anne Rice planted herself.

You son of a bitch. Yes.