
Mix-E-Spit-Lick. Never found it that difficult, myself.

And when some people try to say it forwards they jumble it so badly that they repeat consonants that only occur in the actual word one time.

Yiiiiiiip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip

Great, grand, wonderful. Now how about a new Superman movie? Or have they been planning for this DCEU thing to be “The Batman Extended Universe, plus a handful of outliers now and then” all along?

This sounds like something cut from The Room. Just imagine Lisa’s mom telling her this, between giving her relationship advice and “I definitely have breast cancer.”

For a moment there I thought you said “puppets” and a fucking chill went down my spine.

God damn I hate this take on Superman. It’s barely even an evil Superman, it’s like a whole new character. It relies on the notion that Superman, as we know him, would become a psycho dictator after just one personal tragedy. Yeah, it was a big loss, and yeah Metropolis took a hit too, but it suggests that his moral

When you open a car door or pick up a a phone, do you use all of your strength to do it? If you have a physical talent, like parkour or martial arts, and you don’t use it all the time, are you repressing it? Are you putting on a disguise, hiding who you really are? It’s not all that complicated. Clark Kent is some guy

Clark Kent isn’t a disguise. At least not how I envision the character. I don’t buy that cynical bullshit from Kill Bill about how he’s an alien who looks down on humanity. He was raised on earth by two loving human parents. Clark Kent is who he really is, not a disguise.

I wasn’t taking the video too seriously, it’s just that for me, sometimes silly things provoke more serious observations. In this case, the contrast between Peter Parker and Clark Kent.

I don’t like it, but you’re right. Still, he only really covered Superman to get his foot in the door, and it was a way to let everyone know who he is. BUT it’s an unfair advantage and a biased perspective, conflict of interest, etc etc, and overall unethical, hence why I don’t like it. If I had to tell his origin I’d

I dunno. Clark becoming a journalist is very different from Peter Parker becoming a photographer. Peter sells photos of himself. He’s even posed for the camera just to get nice action shots of himself no one else could get. Clark, meanwhile, doesn’t really make a thing out of covering Superman. Journalism is a genuine

Oh yeah, that’s totally what we need. We need the X-Men movies to feel EVEN LESS like superhero movies than they already do. It’s not enough that they started off as a generic sci-fi movie franchise piggybacking off the success of The Matrix, nooo, we have to rip that superhero shit out even further. And then, to add

Except, that’s not the Batman we needed. We have a young Superman, and a DC Universe that’s just starting to pull together. How the hell does “old, tired, cynical, mass-murdering psycho-fascist Batman” make the most sense to start out with in this universe? Let’s not forget that Frank Miller has serious issues

I love this comment so much.

While we’re talking about inaccurate descriptions of last year’s Tarzan movie, that wasn’t a gorilla.

Great, grand, wonderful. Now how about a good fucking Superman movie?

Stein was never an intelligent vote, period. But given that OUR elections(we are both Americans right?) rely on a first-past-the-post system, the flaw that is the spoiler effect remains a serious problem. It also guarantees that those with interests aligning with third parties will not be heard by the two big parties.

If it offends people I won’t use it, however it always did confuse me that midget is offensive while dwarf isn’t. As I understood it, dwarves were fantasy creatures. Little person also sounds more offensive to me because I don’t define the size of someone’s personhood based on their stature. I would think “little

That doesn’t determine which candidate is the “better” candidate, not by a long shot. It just determines which candidate gets the job. No matter how much whining about how Hillary is a “bad candidate” there’s no way in hell that makes her worse than Trump.