
I’m so sorry you had to deal with an asshole like that, and then to have your husband be so insensitive too? That really sucks. I hope he learns to treat you with more respect as a person, and I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Sending good vibes.

There are things I like about all the live action Batman depictions so far, but bottom line, the Adam West version is the best. It’s also the closest to the comics. When you consider the amount of things the various live action films change or leave out from the comics, you’ll find that the Adam West version is the

I was going to suggest that Zendaya pull a Pretty Woman on their asses but then I remembered that while Julia Roberts may be able to reappear with the trappings of wealth and success, Zendaya can’t return to the store with white skin.

Still funnier than Ann Coulter.

Of course, because the one character who provides a face-saving method of rebooting the DC film universe and fixing its many issues should be cast aside and ignored.

Or just adapt this.

That just made me stupid laugh.

I’m sorry, am I living in an alternate universe or something? Is this the Mandela Effect at work? Because um, let’s compare for a minute.

Sure, let’s ignore the fact that Superman doesn’t wear a mask, usually gives people a real (Kryptonian) name to work with, and is seen saving people so often that many people don’t even believe he has a secret identity, let alone that he happens to be the dork who works in the cubicle next to mine. You may as well

Isn’t it amazing how Gotham, the one fucking show that should have been 90% police procedural, manages to fuck that up?

Before I start let me just say I’m not anti-union or anything, but a close family member had a bad experience that affected the whole family. For the sake of our privacy I’m keeping a few things vague and leaving out a couple details.

I’m sorry but I just have a weird irrational aversion to Dennis Quaid. I can never take him seriously or genuinely like him. The ONLY exception is Dragonheart for some reason. Otherwise, as soon as Dennis Quaid appears in any movie I’m watching, I immediately lose interest in it. Do not ask me why. I do not know why.

Is he faster than tall buildings and able to leap locomotives with a single bound?

I simply must applaud the incleptitude of your comment.

She is just one of the worst people.

If anything this storyline is making a great point about the dangers of historical revisionism. When those with sinister agendas distort the past, the present and the future are both in danger.

I don’t care for the ears on the Bale cowls. They’re really thick and blocky, they curve inward too much, and they’re really far back on his head. My favorite cinematic cowl is still the one in Batman Returns.

I’m convinced the movie Demon Seed is actually the true story of how Ted Cruz was conceived.

The most frustrating criticism I’ve heard is that the Joker in this film wasn’t really “the Joker” enough. That he was just some terrorist with clown makeup and he didn’t really resemble the actual character very much.