
Um, have you seen some of the Silver Age Superman comics? A lot weirder shit than that happened. In fact, if they included Mister Mxyzptlk, it would make perfect sense.

I had no idea all these writers were dead, or that most of them were toddlers.

“Because it’s fiction” is a poor excuse. Are you telling me that if Clark magically turned into a pink flamingo and became king of the flamingo race, you could accept something so ludicrous “because it’s fiction”?

Wow, that didn’t take long. I thought of that in, like, two seconds.

You do know that someone can be medically induced to look like they are dead, right? People faking their death has been done so many times in movies and tv shows and comic books and yet for Clark to explain it that way would be TOO MUCH, JUST TOO MUCH, NOBODY WOULD ACCEPT IT, OH NOOOOOOOO.

You keep on saying “Clark Kent” like he’s a different person than Superman, but he isn’t.

Your attempts to “fix it” are just plain bad storytelling. You can shout “IT’S COMIC BOOKS” until you’re blue in the face but it doesn’t change that.

Except they can’t be easily explained away, not without seeming contrived and silly. “Because comic books” doesn’t work as an argument. Film is a different medium, and there are different expectations with these films. People coming back from the dead can work when those people are superheroes, or secret agents like

Didn’t say they’re going to reboot the whole thing, certainly not right away. But they’re not changing this. There’s not going to be some magic new Lex Luthor to make disappointed fans feel better.

Except the senior Lex Luthor is dead. And it’d be dumb to have two Lex Luthors who are basically the same guy just for the sake of fan service. Sorry, but this is the hand we’re dealt. Whether it’s good or not, whether you like it or not, it’s not going away without a reboot.

Whose funeral do you think that is? Have you even seen the movie?

He may be Lex Luthor Jr but for all intents and purposes he’s THE Lex Luthor. He’s the one with a chip on his shoulder who hates Superman, who had an interest in kryptonite, and lost his hair. He’s not the son of the character we’ve always known as Superman’s enemy, he IS that character. It just happens that he’s a

Some of those would require a reboot. Jesse Eisenberg is THE Lex Luthor. No going back on that, not in this series. Jimmy Olsen is dead. Clark Kent is dead, even if Superman isn’t.

It might be blasphemous but I think now would be a great time to give the Shadow a modern day update. In the age of the internet, cyber warfare, surveillance technology, etc, the Shadow’s secret network of agents could be expanded on in fascinating ways, with the Shadow himself being a more overtly violent

I don’t think it would be that hard to make a great Shadow film any more than it would be to make a great Superman film. It’s one of those things where the property itself is fine but the illusion that it’s not inspires confidence in really incompetent filmmakers who make really dumb creative decisions because they

Racism, misogyny, and other forms of hatred and ignorance don’t become institutionalized overnight. First they have to be normalized. That happens when we’re forced to tolerate it in all its forms, big and small. An asshole may not be immediately harming someone physically but he doesn’t exist in a vacuum, he wasn’t

There's nothing wrong with recognizing injustice and fighting to correct it. Allowing assholes to be assholes means allowing decent people to get hurt.

What’s really dumb is that there have always been people walking on egg shells in this country. It’s just that the people walking on egg shells today aren’t worried about getting lynched for drinking from the wrong fountain or kissing the wrong girl. They’re just worried that people won’t like them anymore for being

He does have arms. They’re just small.

I'm not judging his performance.