
To those saying the box office success is enough for them not to worry, don’t forget that both Batman Returns and Superman Returns (with its ironically identical title) were great financial successes, and the latter film even did much better with the critics than Man of Steel or Batman v Superman for that matter.

IMDb. Hands down the worst online forums you can imagine. It's one of those things people mock and sort of know about, but it's severely underestimated. I was there when the board for Fox's new Fantastic Four board was FULL of white supremacists. Thanks to their terrible mod system, these people got away with some of

Man of Steel, wherein Superman spends the last half hour bonking giant buildings full of innocent people together until they explode.”

That'd be great if not for the fact that it was a twist ending, that up until the the Joker's scheme there's no real difference from the main DCU, and that people have a habit of ignoring the twist ending and acting like it is the real Superman. Oh, and the fact that depicting Superman like a tyrant is too damn

Injustice is fun and all but I can’t stand it for one basic principle: it fucks over Superman. As a Superman fan, I’m tired of seeing the character constantly put down or turned into some evil tyrant.

Except Superman didn’t kill several thousand people.

I gotta take a little time. A little time to think things over...

I want to know what lead is. I want you to show me.

Somehow I doubt it.

“Superman looks at Lex like he’s sizing him up for one of his patented neck-snaps.”

Speaking as a diehard Superman fan who despises how poorly the character’s been treated over the years thanks to a bias toward a certain Bat-god, that last one cracked me up anyway.

That’s the kind of thing you only hear with guys like Bay and Shyamalan. If they produce a film that sucks, it’s their fault. If someone else like, say, Christopher Nolan produces a film that sucks, he gets to wash his hands of it.

I wonder how many times it needs to be said that Michael Bay is only the producer for it to sink in.

Because Superman was such a bloodthirsty psychopath. Am I the only one who actually watched that movie?

“Which means that Aronofsky’s Batman and Zack Snyder’s Superman would probably actually get along.”

Now playing

One scene that really sticks out to me is actually one of the quieter scenes in the film. It’s just the priest and the professor talking, but there’s something about it that really gives me the chills. Especially when the priest says, “It just got colder in here...suddenly, as if something moved through the

The sad irony isn’t lost on me, that a song bringing attention to rape and sexual assault, and all the pain that comes with them...lost to a theme song for a misogynist male fantasy figure. Ugh.

That’s because horror is always the red headed step-child of the genre family. The only genre that gets treated worse is westerns, but even then literary westerns and westerns from larger publishers come along more often.

I need to re-read Enemies & Allies by Kevin J. Anderson. Anyone else remember that book? The (not a graphic) novel about Superman and Batman meeting for the first time...set in the 1950s? With Cold War paranoia all around?

I tried to think of how a woman would dress if she wanted to be raped, and...I can’t think of anything. I’m pretty sure that no woman ever dresses like she wants to be raped. Or assaulted. Or harassed.