
I'm not going to judge this film yet, as it may actually be pretty good, but am I the only one who's getting tired of these art-house vampire movies that, on the surface, do really innovative things and have fascinating details but, deep down, are really just the same damn story over and over again? How many times are

I was rooting against Batman as soon as I heard he was there to rescue Superman. What a load of crap that is.

It's even more disappointing that he's the only one in this whole lot with a beard worth earning a dreaded nickname like Blackbeard. Aside from the fact that the beard was turning grey, he looked mostly right. Otherwise, yeesh. Would it kill Hollywood to try making a decent Blackbeard movie in which Blackbeard has

I don't much care for that version either but at the very least they have the excuse that he's an older guy and he's in hiding under a new alias. Not so with this thing.

Am I the only one who is underwhelmed by Hugh Jackman's beard? Blackbeard is named after his beard for goodness sake. He should have a much more substantial beard than that.

"People want to see more of the things they like."

I, Frankenstein wwasn't from UUniversal at all.

How convenient it is that you people finally care about what happens to these characters. The only reason they're doing this is because time and time again, communities like this one have shown ignorance, indifference, or contempt toward the horror genre, covering only the biggest films and shows and never delving any

Why does everyone immediately jump to LoEG every time monster crossovers are brought up? That's not what LoEG was.

I love how everyone forgets that Universal had a shared cinamatic universe long before Marvel did.

A fair fight is one where writers don't come up with insane plot twists and gimmicks to explain how he has a chance. I just read a comic today in which Batman wore a suit of armor equipped with miniature red suns in his fists to fight him. Is it creative? Sure. But it makes no god damn sense either. In another recent

No he's not. In a fair, unbiased, objective fight, Superman wins every time. The writers never do that, however, because they don't want to piss off the Batman fanbase, especially since Batman is their golden boy. So usually what they do is have Batman inexplicably land one good (illogical, unrealistic, silly) punch

I think part of the reason the Academy has trouble recognizing his work is because they see it as special effects work. They need to understand that it's more than just that. It's an actor giving a performance who happens to be covered in makeup. In this case, digital makeup.

Now if we could just get Burton's Superman Lives thing in comic form...

This could be really, really stupid or really, really interesting. Most likely the former.

So did everyone at io9 conspire together to deliberately haveno idea what you're talking about? It'sracist beca use the villains are Muslim? Did you forget that the historical Turks whom the historical Dracula fought against were Muslims? If they changed it to some generic fantasy race you people would just chalk it

NBC's Dracula was absolutely terrible even on its own. They managed to make it absolutely boring despite the insane plot, the characters were incredibly inconsistent (except they were all consistently uninteresting), and um, yes, inaccuracy can be a bad thing when it's THIS inaccurate. If you're going to do a remake

No but there are heavy implications in Stoker's text that the undead vampire they faced was once that Voivode Dracula who fought the Turks along the Danube. Stoker even alludes to his traitorous brother Radu! So to use the historical Dracula as a basis for the fictitious vampire Dracula makes perfect sense: Stoker did

You seem to think there's an over-reliance on action and spectacle, but pay attention to these ads: how many action set-pieces are you seeing? I actually read a draft of the screenplay and not much has changed. In fact, evidence shows that they may have fixed the biggest problem with that draft: cutting out

People who just want a sadistic, evil warlord who impales others for fun are people who don't know shit about the historical Dracula anyway. The setup for this film comes from actual history. The historical Dracula really did spark war with Sultan Mehmed II by refusing to pay a tax which included 500 Wallachian boys