Dude, that’s just cold. Toying with people’s emotions is not okay.
Dude, that’s just cold. Toying with people’s emotions is not okay.
Please have an announcement for the official release date of the Shin Megami Tensei/Fire Emblem cross over.
While I sympathize with your love of the unknown — I love surprises too! — this is a news outlet, and we don’t believe that reporting on news requires a spoiler warning. Sorry.
The PlayStation 4 version of beloved strategy-role-playing game Valkyria Chronicles, previously announced for Japan,…
This year, I’m making an effort to clear as much as my backlog as I can. So I’m FINALLY starting Persona 3 on PS2. The soundtrack to that game and Persona 4 have been listened to a countless hundred times in my house hold and I’ve got a bunch of Persona stuff, but I have never got around to playing the damn games.
On PC, Fallout 4 is an endless sea of possibility. Anything you can imagine, you can probably download as a…
After eight years with the same Gamertag, Redditor fifaproblems—AKA OxyCleannn—finally met his match while playing Black Ops III
Maybe, but I’m pretty bummed about it right now.
Persona 5 getting delayed to 2016.
You do a disservice by calling P5 a courtship simulator.
I recommend that you play some of the Persona games. They’re quirky and fun (if a bit on the long side).
The Persona series has yet to disappoint me. The main FF series has done nothing BUT disappoint me since 2010.
Persona 5. Simply because I know it’s going to be fun. Goofy and silly fun. If it’s like P3&4 it’s going to tick a whole bunch of all the right boxes for me.
Judging by the quality of recent titles in both the series, I’ll take Persona 5 a million times over.
I think this is going to be the third or fourth CG Resi film to come out alongside the live actions
It can work over Wifi, the ability to play it in another room/floor of the house is a pretty cool perk.
It’s SUPER easy to come up with sequel conceits for horror. It’s whether or not Sony wants to give them a chance.
Surely they will come up with a sequel. The way the game ends, it leads easily into another.
Well, last I heard, it was selling VERY well for a brand new IP.