
I’m pretty sure their just keeping the other characters secret for now. I’m pretty sure they did that for the original releases of Persona 3 and 4.

*dots down ideas*

Yeah, no doubt about it. The best looking model of the PS3 was the Slim.

More like Bill Gates is. Incredible, huge amounts of wealth, and the single largest giver to charities and foundations and such around the world? Definitely not Trump, at any rate.

Cass or bust. New Vegas needs some representation!

What game is it? I want to punch him.

In the introductory sequence to Batman Arkham Knight, Game Director Sefton Hill can be very briefly seen walking past you.


Nope, Game of Death. Chie be all about that Bruce Lee.

3 was visually amazing but the story and characters was lacking in comparison to the other games in the series 1+2 was far superior.

I agree, 1 was pretty good, 2 was amazing except for the final boss fight, and the 3... urgh, let’s not talk about it.

So, I’m sure I’m in the minority here, as I often am, but I thought Uncharted 3 was really mediocre/bad. Felt like the characters were stuck in neutral and the formula for “come up with set pieces first, then make the story around it” really showed its seams. Worst of all, the plot itself had a huge hole that never

It’s a really average (but funny) game so you may be thinking of something else.

songs are in english, i have the japanese game, and they are in english, they have always been

I’m not sure what to think. Part of me wants to like it. The other part is listening to Harley’s voice and I don’t hear the crazy moll in there at all. The trailer, all in all, is a mixed bag.

Also, change your username. Where’s that option?

So is the new Hitman episodic or a full game or what? Here’s some clarity, via the developers: on December 8 you can spend $60 to buy a digital version that will be updated with new stuff over the course of the following year. Or you can buy it on disc “at some point” in 2016. (For more, read the FAQ on their website.)