Captain Wrong

Bluntly, Peter and Ace were screwed over, Paul.

This song never fails to put a smile on my face. Probably the best Curtis Mayfield song Curtis Mayfield never sang, and I mean that in the best way.

Half read/half listened to Respect Yourself: Stax Records and the Soul Explosion by Robert Gordon. I've been on a tear with music biz books lately. This one wasn't exactly a happy story, unfortunately. But it did make me want to hole up and listen to the three Complete Stax Singles boxsets all weekend.

My boss and I are among the few people here today. He's leaving for another job in a few weeks. We've been chatting most of the day and I'm realizing that no matter how bad I think things are in my department, they're actually much worse.

I came here to post the same thing. The whole thing just seems so wrong to me.

Seriously. The whole Grumpy Cat thing turned from something amusing to something that has me concerned for the well-being of the star of it all.

So, AC/DC got over their fear of selling music on-line? Or is this an instance where they're going to make people buy the entire album? I love AC/DC, but it's always struck me as absurd that one of their hang-ups about selling music via iTunes, etc., has been the per-track model, as if their albums demanded acceptance

Would it be a musical clash to drink this out of my Rachael's coffee mug?

Actually, if you want to be technical, black vinyl is colored vinyl. The compound used to make records is clear. Though it may go back further, I know RCA used different colors of vinyl when they introduced the 45 rpm in the late 40s. Each genre was a color (classical was red, country was green, r&b was orange and so

Just call me Mr. Butterfingers.

Upvoted for the RCA mention. They used to be a pretty big employer here (Indianapolis) and many of my friend's fathers were engineers there when I was growing up.

Watching that made me realize how Hollywood's ideas of computers haven't really changed that much. Zoom and enhance, anyone?

I keep waiting for some element of this whole thing that's going to make me feel a little better about humanity. Yes, I know, I'm looking in the wrong place. Hope springs eternal, I guess. Clearly not going to find it today though.

You just hit on something that's been bugging me about this whole thing. Where was Camille when all this was happening? Did she not know? Did she turn a blind eye? Not putting any of the blame on her, I'm just wondering what the story is there.

I know Limbaugh favors the "I'm just an entertainer!" defense when the heat actually gets to him. I'd never heard that about Beck though.

Hitler slowly removes clunky, Sally Jessy Raphael glasses, tilts his head upward and to the right as long flowing locks unfurl from the back of his head. Sultry saxophone starts to play as the sunlight frames his head just right…

TLC did a lot of things better a long time ago.

We love Taylor Swift and here's why you should to!

I assumed you'd need a Gold subscription to download this, but that doesn't appear to be the case. Consider me pleased.