Captain Wrong

That's why she needed the Roomba.

There is that but once it settles, it's been the best, IMHO. Fairly cheap too. In fact, I just had some delivered today. I have the Dash button and I get 40lbs for like $16 I think.

Best advice I ever got from a drum teacher (I was studying tympany): if you make a mistake, own it and make it look like everyone else is wrong. Not sure how that applies to what you're saying, but I feel those words of wisdom both helped and hurt me in equal measure over the next twenty years.


I saw The Pete Best Band about ten years ago (because, why not?) and I assure you, he's still got it!!!! And by "it", I mean that fill. It was almost self parody except the show was trying to be a recreation of the Hamburg shows, minus the uppers and Lennon's antics I guess. Actually, it was pretty fun even if the

I get nostalgic driving around Indianapolis as there are still a few old repurposed Burger Chefs standing. (Like many fast food chains, when you know what the building looked like, they're not too hard to spot.) Burger Chef was the shit back in the day. I don't think we ate anywhere else really until Hardee's took

Perfect summation of what this feature has become, which is sad because it had potential. This installment is a perfect example of how lazy it's become.

I can't remember which came first. Might have been this version actually:

This was easily one of the best rock books I've ever read. The story is fairly insane and for a group known to not give a fuck, the research seems pretty sound. I have to say though, I'm not sure I got the victim mentality from the 'Mats others here seem to have gotten. I think they knew why they weren't as big as REM

I didn't make it past the introduction without completely tearing up. I'm more amazed Bob hung in as long as he did, frankly.

I've always felt it was unfortunate that Tomita's music tends to get lumped under the "cheezy Moog" record category because there was a lot of depth and talent involved with what he did. It doesn't help either that most of his soundtrack stuff, which I feel is some of his best work, never made it to the US really.

Serious answer to the question of how Family Video is still in business: basically they are more of a property management company and the video thing is almost a side business. They buy cheap lots, put in a Famiy Video and then rent out the other parts of the building.

Miami Connection is almost painfully sincere. You may come to mock, but I'll bet money by the end you are absolutely won over.

If I make it another 40 years and someone asks me what the 80s were like, I will show them this movie and explain nothing.

Garth Brooks was an advertising major. This should tell you all you need to know.

Yeah, the Louvin Brothers, the Carter Family and Hank Williams' Luke the Drifter records being examples that sprung immediately to mind, though examples that would scarcely be recognized by fans of whatever they call radio country.

It was more of a GM thing. They had a bad run of primer for a while and those cars started loosing big chunks of paint within a few years.

Drake is a "prestige artist"? Huh. Once upon a time that term meant people like Miles Davis who didn't sell a ton but were artistically important and attracted talent to the label.

T&G definitely one of the good ones. There's a reason so many of the Surfers peers sided with the label.

Wow, you're making me nostalgic. Until my first family vacation in 1985, I had no idea what I knew as Waffle and Steak was actually Waffle House and that the rest of the country had no idea about our Waffle House at all. Neither the Indiana Waffle Houses or 7-11s have existed for a very long time and the national