Captain Wrong

Some rando posting on Facebook is not quite the same as having a full schedule of corporately sponsored talk shows piped into waiting rooms all over the country or all but owning talk radio. If there is a single left leaning voice as crazy as the usual right wing suspects with a platform even a fraction as large, I'd

And there's the Megachurch phenomena in a nutshell.


Maybe I just picked a bad time to come back here. (Not having a job where I sit in front of a computer all day kind cuts into my AV Club time.) The butthurt seems to be strong in the comment section these days.

Yeah, I tend to think of Foo Fighters as the quintessential "dad rock" band, but I tend to be a bit late to get the memos.

Everything I've read about the band, at least since the period you are talking about, is exactly that. They know they are AC/DC inc. (Wasn't the Phil Rudd/Chris Slade switch up all about business?) The guys seem to be complete professionals, in every sense. This move makes no sense to me as we all know Axel, even in

I saw someone do Rappers Delight once. One guy doing all three parts. All fifteen minutes worth. He looked wrung out by the end.

Not to mention that the Kingsmen and (especially) the Trashmen had some of the rawest rock and roll to ever chart that high. It wasn't all just the "Bobbies" until the Beatles saved rock and roll as is so often written.

Jesus, thanks for the flashback. There's a part of my childhood I'd totally forgotten about.

HGL's songs are up there. (He never fancied himself a musician. He just didn't want to pay someone else to do it.)

Yeah, ignore that totally. The original is loaded with low budget charm. One word of caution, the theme (composed and sung by HGL himself) will be stuck in your head.

That's the crux of what makes films by Wood and Sidaris and other Z-grade directors enduring in their way. They didn't set out to make schlock. All this stuff like The Asylum cranks out is too self knowing to be interesting to me. Anyone can make a bad movie. Not anyone can make a good bad movie.

They get a pass for Propagandhi How to Clean Everything.


His sax player's name was Alto Reed? That is far greater than anything else in his entire body of work.

That seems so disingenuous but I've seen places on the Internet where grown men with no horse in that race argue very passionately about the politics of the RNRHOF and why this artist is in and that one isn't. (Arguments always prefaced by some sort of explanation about how the author really doesn't care but…) I agree

Drugs. The vat was full of drugs. All the drugs.

The last twenty minutes of Game of Death (aka the part of the movie worth watching) is the single player mode of every fighting game ever made.

If you can ever find it, The Glove is my favorite Saxon movie no one remembers. It has Saxon chasing a homocidal Rosie Grier who beats people down with this big ass spiked glove. There's a bunch of b/cult movie connections and while I wouldn't say it is great cinema, it is entertaining.

Yeah, I don't think this was the point of this article, but they really oversold the Iisa series. They are far from "one of the sickest" and are actually pretty boring. You don't have to look too far to find more warped or more entertaining. However, no secret why they spawned sequels. They sold tickets, for whatever