Captain Wrong

I know I probably shouldn't say this as I'm not her target audience and critisizing Taylor Swift tends to get one lumped in with Hitler and Bill Cosby, but I just have a really hard time accepting much about her as authentic, at least at this point in her career. She's a mediocre (at best) talent that her handlers,

I expressed kind of a similar sentiment in the One Direction review. I liked this place for music discussion as it wasn't Pitchfork and it wasn't EW. Too bad, I guess.

I love how they spelled out Metropolis all jaunty like. I see that and think the Steamboat Mickey music.

Japanese 7th Voyage of Sinbad
Phase IV
Some bootleg Shaft movie poster I found framed at Goodwill for $2

Aww man. Last week I picked up a copy of Jimmy Ruffin Sings Top Ten and finally got around to spinning it the other night. Such an underrated talent.

There's something about this whole thing I don't understand. Maybe I'm wrong (which is entirely possible,) but I thought it was the big three record labels who negotiated the sorry payout rate from Spotify. Like Spotify said "here's what we are offering" and they all said ok. So, it seems to me she should be at least

I often wonder if MST3K had continued would it have ended up more like RiffTrax, because I too feel RiffTrax is a slightly different animal. As it stands, I feel MST3K left a pretty flawless legacy, even with the occasional bad episode.

As far as I know, the Pono player is still in the vaporware stage.

I really miss the way AV Club used to cover music. I discovered quite a few good bands that way. They just don't seem to reach like they used to.

Was I wrong to upvote that?

Beat me by a minute.

Who doesn't look to former sitcom stars for all their theological advice?

So they couldn't get a Glen Beck cameo but the description of the chemtrail guy sounds like they may have snagged Alex Jones.

You hit an issue I myself have been wondering for years. The Codeine set is a perfect example. I love the shit out of that band. They are one of my absolute favorite bands of all time. But, as much as I love that set, it seemed so out of left field at the time I've always wondered what the sell through was on it. Same

I'd like to think you're right, but we're talking modern corporate America. It wouldn't surprise me if the great-great grandchild of the screenwriter of Creature was entitled to some small royalty and Universal didn't want to pay them.

The Gil Man is not based on public domain source material. I wonder if that has something to do with it.

And Jimmy Carter, history's greatest monster.

"Taking back her femininity"? I see what you did there.

It's a highly unpopular opinion, but I agree with you about the Beatles. There was a book I read ages ago (which I'm 99% certain was called "Hammer of the Gods?" even though that is also the name of an incredibly famous Led Zeppelin book) that was a pretty amazing takedown of the Beatles myth, while still giving ample

Wore "The Bends" out on cassette, but the rest of their catalog just bores me. Still, I got plenty of respect for what they've tired to do as a band.